0. Prologue

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Dear readers,

I have made changes to the plot which will be explained at the end of the book 1. There is not major changes but timeline of few event has been pushed back. Details for some events has been added as well. I will publish them as i made changes.

Author of the book

Saya didn't remember much about her childhood. Her earliest memory dated back to the day when a tall man clad in a black long coat, most probably her father, dragged her out of a shabby car and took her inside a huge mansion which now was her home. Something bad had transpired that day and though she didn't want to recall what it was, the dread that clutched her heart was as obnoxious as the physical pain she was feeling at the moment.

Saya shifted in the bed of her luxurious room for the hundredth time trying to relax but the anticipation of what was coming next made it impossible. Rubbing the patch of bandage over the bullet wound in between her shoulder and collarbone to soothe the throbbing pang engulfing her system, she smiled. After all, she had finally gotten the key to her freedom

Freedom; The only word that made her heart race, Her ultimate dream that she almost gave up on. 

The freedom she always coveted came in the form of a bullet that was meant for Jeon Jungkook; The youngest son of the most powerful individual in her country. 

His father; Kimeron Damian Darmon had the entire country in the palm of his hands. To be more precise, the entire country was ruled by a single man, not the government.

Venessia, the county she was born and raised used to be slummed in poverty, crimes, death, and violence. People used to be murdered in broad daylight, women brutally raped in the middle of the street and the state was on the verge of collapsing yet the corrupt government did nothing but grow thicker by exploiting the country's resources. However, everything changed when one specific young lad took over the local gang at the age of fourteen, and with that, the rise of the world's most feared mafia had begun.

Earning the trust of the people by providing everything their government couldn't, within a few years, Damian took control over half of the country's territories. He trained and employed young men in his conglomerate and to gain their loyalty took care of their families. Not only that, he opened schools and hospitals with the money he earned through his illegal business, and after proving to people that their government is worthless, the man started the revolution, assassinated every corrupt politician, and took the country for himself with the people's consent.

Anyways, the revolution wasn't bad for her country because, with the rise of Damian's power, the economy of the country grew as well. The huge money he earned through his empire was invested in the development of the country and in less than a decade, Venessia was one of the richest countries in the world.

The entire world relied on Venessia for the supply of oil and natural gas, thanks to the hundreds of trillion worth of mineral resources the country was sitting on. Now Venessia had its own space station on the moon and a hundred more launching to explore the universe beyond eyes. In short, Venessia was a grand empire of the Damian. Damian was the government and his words are the law. Some would say it was a dictatorship however they did have an election where the president would be elected to work for him.

Due to his immense contribution citizens worshipped Damian as their savior sent by the god. People formed religions around him and most importantly they could give or take lives for him. Everything in the country was titled after him and everything he owned was for his entitled sons, most specifically his youngest; Jeon Jungkook. 

Born to his second wife, Jeon Jieun, an international superstar(now divorced), Jungkook was the light of Damian's eyes and meaning to his existence in a literal sense. In other words, Saya had saved her entire country by taking the bullet that was meant for Jungkook. 

Her happiness regardless of the agonizing pang made complete sense to her. She wouldn't be surprised if she was given the most prestigious medal in her country for saving the young lad's life.

"Ask anything you want my child, it's yours" Damian had declared the moment she had gained consciousness. A token of appreciation from his side for saving his beloved son.

Having the word of such a powerful man made her feel like she was the Thanos with all the infinity stones. Her hope flew out of the rooftop and soared high in the sky. She knew even if she asked for a billion dollars Damian would gladly shower her with it therefore, she asked for one thing that mattered to her the most.

"Free me," She asked and the smile on the man's face disappeared in a flash realizing the gravity of her request.

"I want to be a free woman" She repeated and even the servants staggered backward, the consequences of her appeal dawning upon them.

Because for ten years, Saya was Jungkook's property.

Saya was a precious gift given by Damian Darmon to his youngest son on his thirteen birthday.

All her life he had owned her but...

Not anymore

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Saya means sand; its a Japanese name that I love

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