Chapter Ten : Beetle Blade

Start from the beginning

   "POLES!" Alby called out over the wind and I closed my eyes with a shaky breath, taking the pole and lowering it to Ben's level.

   Buck still had her blade out as she backed out of the circle, her eyes never leaving Ben. He came running up to us, trying to push his way back to the Glade but we just pushed him back over and over again.


   Newt, Gally Winston, Alby and Frypan cornered him and continued pushing while the rest of us stood back to watch. The Doors whirred and clanked, the huge concrete walls closing in on Ben as he was shoved through. Unless he wanted to be crushed to death, he had to back into the Maze. There was no other option.

   Crying and screaming came from Ben as he slammed his hands against the closing Doors. Eventually he was too far in and the others had to lift their poles out.

   Ever so slowly, with Ben on the other side watching us, the Doors shut until he was out of our sight. We couldn't hear his screams anymore. The Glade was completely silent. Everyone lowered their heads in sadness as Alby turned to look at us. At his people.

   "He belongs to the Maze now." The leader said with a low voice, grief present in his eyes.

   Everyone scattered from there, no noise, no cries, just complete silence. I looked back, taking a deep breath as Newt came to my side. I looked to him and he looked to me and I lowered my head, leaning my pole against the wall gently.

Everything seemed to be going wrong


   I was in my hammock, Newt snuggled up with me tonight rather than sleep on his own. He said it was because he was worried about me having nightmares, but really it was because he didn't want to be alone. Unlike me, he was good at hiding his emotions which was what scared me. Especially after what happened last time he hid them.

   I stared up into the trees, stars poking through and shining in the night sky. Newt's head laid on my chest and I ran my hands through his hair softly, his chest rising and falling with each breath. I envied how he was able to sleep so soundly after everything, but then again, this wasn't time first time a Banishment had happened.

   I shifted my head over to look at the hut a little ways away from me. Buck was in there, and I wondered for a second if she ever struggled sleeping at night. She seemed like the kind of person who would; like she's seen things no one can even imagine.

Something still bothered me.

   As slowly as I could, I tried getting out of the hammock without waking Newt. Of course he woke up though, he was literally on top of me. I was about halfway out when he gripped onto my chest and lifted his head groggily.

"Desmond?" He said silently and I softly moved his hair out of his face.


   "What are you doing love? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked me and I smiled, kissing his forehead and resting him back in the hammock when I got fully out.

   "Nope, I just want to take a walk around." I assured him. "I'll be back in five minutes, I promise."

   Newt wanted to argue but he was too tired so he just flopped back into the hammock with a groan. 

   "Come back soon then would ya, or I'll freeze." He said and I rolled my eyes with a laugh, walking off knowing full well that he'd be fine.

   I walked across the Glade, the sounds of snoring Gladers and the changing Maze echoing through the open felid. I wondered why anyone would put us here, why they'd put us in this place alone with monsters in a maze that changed every night. I thought about Ben probably running for his life. Maybe he was already dead. If he was screaming, then we didn't hear it.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now