Her skin looked as if a vampire had never been near her, even her old scars looked a little faint but it was still clear she had been bit by something.

"Let's get her back to the house, we need to tell Edward and Bella what has come to pass" Carlisle said with sad eyes before everyone disappeared from the scene and reappeared back at their house.


Elliana was laid out on the table as the Cullen's had called the wolf pack over after a few days of letting her rest.

Little did they know Elliana was awake up in Carlisle's doctors office and was fully aware of what she had become.

Elliana didn't feel any different as she walked around the office but she couldn't help but pick up some voices from downstairs that sounded like they were right outside the room.

"What the hell do you mean she's dead?!?" Kayden spat out while the pack stood around their brother with glares, Elliana furrowed her eyebrows at the boys words.

She knew something had happened to her but did she really die? "I already explained this-" Carlisle said softly.

Carlisle was cut short as Seth stepped forward, "and you'll explain it again" the boy sounded almost angry with what the man had told them.

Quickly she opened the door and made her way downstairs before she suddenly crashed into someone, she looked up to see she had crashed into Paul.

"Hey little dove" he said softly before he pulled her into a bone crushing hug as she felt something shift in her.

Her eyes and skin suddenly started to burn slightly but stoped as soon as it started, Paul pulled back from her with a big smile as he pulled her up into his arms and spinning her around.

When her feet reconnected with the floor her hand lightly trailed over her throat, Emmett caught the motion and moved to grab her but stoped when he heard a faint heart beat come for the girl.

Emmett looked over to Carlisle as Jasper rushed forward and grabbed the girl as he rushed her outside and into the sun, "Jasper what the-" she said almost angrily as she spun around to face him.

Everyone rushed out behind the two and the Cullens were shocked to not see her sparkle in the sun and that her eyes were the same blue if not a little bit darker.

"Carlisle what's going on?" Emmett asked with raised eyebrows.

"Elliana what was with you grabbing your throat? Are you thirsty?" Carlisle asked knowingly as he watched the girl closely, Elliana tilted her head in a questioning manner as everyone watched her.

Kayden catching onto the man's suspicion walked closer to the girl only for Leah to pull his hand back, "Ellie?" Kayden asked softly making the girl turn towards him.

Elliana felt her eyes widen in fear as she watched as the wolfs tired to get close to her but she took off in a hast to the woods.

Elliana kept running for who knows how long but when she finally stopped it was almost dark and she was in what felt like the Rez.

She looked around briefly as tiredness finally swept over her, in one motion she had fallen to the ground unconscious.


The wolves followed her sent for a few hours as they made sure to keep aware of their surroundings, they didn't want to believe the Cullens about what had happened to her but they knew they should after watching her disappear after using superhuman speed to get away from everyone.

They were all worried for her, Kayden stopped suddenly after picking up a daisy like smell, he smiled to himself before taking off in that direction with Paul and Seth following quickly behind the two as the three boys shifted back to their human forms.

The two boys stoped when their eyes fell on Elliana's sleeping form, one thing that was different about Elliana was she didn't smell like one of the leaches she smelt like herself before everything with the vampires.

Now she smelt like daisies and birch, it was like the sent of Vampires had been whipped right off of her.

"You get her" Paul said towards Kayden who nodded without a second thought before racing towards his best friend.

Slowly Kayden picked up the girl as he looked over her soft features, she looked like her normal self, her air was still in soft waves that always sat at the end of her hair, she looked nothing like a vampire as they all could hear the soft mermmer of her heart beat- how could they think she was a vampire?!

Forever In Your Eyes.                       ~Alec Volturi~Where stories live. Discover now