Chapter 58 | new life

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Seeing the coast of Izroulia so busy was a beautiful sight. Over the past few days, the process of the pod moving back in had been going well. They'd make their way back into the realm, one of the royal staff would get all their legal documents sorted out and then they'd get a tour of the new housing. Slowly the houses began filling up, people moving the few belongings they had inside and taking the time to decorate as they desired.

The coast was decorated with bunting and ribbons, as a welcome back. The nearby residents had come together and decorated it overnight as a surprise for the returning Merfolk to show their support.

Haru did well planning this, he could see everything happening from the balcony of the castle, just off past the town where the coast sat he watched the kids play around in the sand, the adults chat and help each other move in. And of course all the teens just had to take flying leaps off the end of the jetty into the now quite chilly water.

He could also see the group down there, helping out where they could. Pandora had bought her parents and willow along, showing them the land her grandmother grew up in.

Zagreus and Styxx had been looped into a game of octopus in the sand by some of the pods kids. Not that they minded, they seemed to have having way too much fun chasing each other around and getting caught by the octopus.

Echo and Icarus were hard at work helping the members of the pod get everything set up in their new homes. Her mother back in the human realm at the moment packing up some of their own stuff to move.

And of course, Aries was just standing by and watching. With this tired but satisfied look on their face. They were absolutely exhausted, the whole journey had been a long and tough one, but they were happy. Happy that their kind were finally welcome back in their own realm.

There'd been so much chaos getting this wild plan to work, Haru hadn't had the time to process it until now. He'd just had to act quick to get Izroulia safe and think about everything later. Even though he knew he had Aries and the Merfolk back, he literally helped it happen. He was the king now for gods sakes. He just didn't fully process it until right now, standing on the balcony and watching them all so happy and getting their new lives in a safe Izroulia underway.

Seeing that exhausted but satisfied look on Aries face. His best friend he thought he'd lost all those years ago. The person he lay awake wondering if they were even alive for 5 almost 6 years. He had them back. Aries was his only friend as a kid, the only person who was there for him in the aftermath of escaping an abusive father at such a young age with only his mum and the few things they could run with.

Watching them, watch the Merfolk, it all just hit him at once.


Michas voice snapped him out if his daze. The demon having come looking for him to tell him about some cool new information he'd found in the archives. Haru turned right face him, Micha never failed to look beautiful even in lounge wear with unbrushed hair.

Michas expression immediately turned to worry when his eyes met Haru's.

"Hey... are you crying?" He asked.

Haru was suddenly aware of how wet his cheeks were, he'd been so lost in thought he didn't even notice. He touched the scales on this cheeks and felt his fingertips dampen.

"Oh... I guess I am" the king replied.

Micha walked up to him and reached up to pull him into a tight hug, one Haru immediately returned and instinctively wrapped his wings around Micha.

"What's wrong?" Micha asked, worry in his tone.

"Nothing, I just... It's finally hit me that I have my best friend back. I mean, for almost 6 years I didn't even know if they were alive or not. But just- something about seeing them so tired but happy down there made me realise how relieved I am. I just didn't process that until now, there was so much going on" Haru snuffled.

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