Chapter 12 | Pandora

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Pandora is at her desk, reading over a letter for the millionth time. Next to her is a small box with four items taken from it. A ring, a shell, a scroll of old looking paper and a tiny mermaid statue. On the box was written 'Pandora's box, love grandma'. Pandora looked over at the items on the table and sighed.

"God this is so confusing"

When she looked up, she noticed two people walk past the window on the pathway carrying beach bags. She remembered those two from a few nights ago when she saw them running around on the docks one night. She knew something about them No one else did. The timing was perfect, she'd been meaning to try and find them to talk to them. She actually recognised Icarus, she went to the same summer camp a few months back. It was hard to forget the girl that managed to turn camp into a fashion show in her bring pink and orange beachwear.

Pandora was quite the contrast, preferring cooler colours like blue and purple. Although the two girls did have an eye for denim skirts it seemed.

Aries on the other hand, was someone Pandora didn't know. She only knew their name from overhearing it, and at first glance couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl. Although queers have a way of clocking each other, and Pandora being one hell of a Lesbian quickly put two and two together and figured out Aries must be some kind of gender queer.

"Those two. That girl from camp and her friend. They'll know" she muttered to herself.

It's sunset and Aries and Icarus are sitting on the beach with a book of shadows and and a calader.

"Are you sure this is right?" Icarus asked.

"It has to be, when all the planets align the power of creation is strongest. So if this theory is right then both New moon in Neptune and full alignment days are when the spirit pool activates with the power to create a mermaid. And on regular new moons it activates with a calling basically, to draw mermaids to it to act as a check in meeting point" Aries replied.

"So when I got struck by it it was because the mermaids who made the pool put that enchanted on it to do a roll call basically"

"Exactly. But clearly the mermaids have moved locations since no one was there but us. And clearly the enchantment is a bit broken since it made you do weird things"

Icarus grabbed a pen from her bag and began to pencil in the dates magic things have happened. Aries looking through the book of shadows for any hints of something else happening.

"We should keep an eye on what happens during lithia, the summer solstice is the perfect time for mermaids to perform magic" Aries added.

"I'll write that in. Wow we have a lot of stuff coming up in the next few months we gotta be aware of"

Aries looked up form the book, looking over Icarus shoulder at a girl walking toward them.

"Ic, do you know them?"

Icarus turned to look. The girl with her long hair up in a ponytail tail and wearing a blue and yellow bikini underneath a beach button up looks so familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"No but she looks familiar..." Icarus muttered.

The girl approached and looked down at the two sitting on their beach towels.

"I know this is kinda weird since you haven't met me but... it's Icarus and Aries right?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Aries replied.

"I thought I recognised Icarus. We went to the same camp the other month"

It suddenly clicked in Icarus' head. They didn't interact much because they were on opposite teams, but there was something they did briefly talk about.

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