Chapter 38 | coronation

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He'd never been draped in so much fancy fabric before. Looking at himself in the mirror was like seeing a whole other person. Haruki Ray, about to be officially crowed king, couldn't help but feel his heart racing.

Long red velvet cloak over his shoulder, draped so his wing could still move. Dress pants and flouncy shirt combo, with a deep blue waistcoat on top. The crown was yet to be placed on his head, it sat in the great hall on its velvet display stand. The whole castle was full, all the most important people in the kingdom were lined up awaiting the coronation to start.

Izroulian coronations were reminiscent of a wedding ceremony. The king to be walks down the isle, is presented with paths to take by an officiant and crowned upon completion. This was the first coronation in decades, when Agnemetra took the crown she didn't even have a proper ceremony. She plucked it off the body of the old queen and started parading around on her power trip. So safe to say this coronation was a pretty big deal.

Micha put his hand on Haru's shoulder, turning him to face him. He adjusted the cloak on the dragons shoulder, making sure it was neat.

"You'll be fine, you can take part in a rebellion you can go through a ceremony" he assured.

"I've got you, I know I'll be alright" Haru smiled.

Micha placed a kiss on his cheek, smiling up at him.

"I have to get to the hall, you'll go great ok?" He said.

"Be ready for the pictures after the ceremony, I'm getting one mid kiss and you can't stop me" Haru replied.

"I look forward to that one"

Micha gave him one last kiss before leaving the bedroom and heading through the winding halls down to the bottom floor where the coronation was being held. The massive doors to the castle were open, those who couldn't get a spot inside watched from the courtyard. And those who couldn't make it to the castle would he watching from home on TV.

In the front row, seats were reserved for the important people. Micha, the Merfolk, styxx, their families etc. at the front of the room was a table set up with the crown, sceptre and royal grimoire, that the Merfolk had returned once the rebellion was over. The Izroulian flag was hung on the walls, showing the symbol of the island realm.

Izroulias emblem was simple, the sun and moon together with waves at the bottom, all curved together into a circle. The colours being silver, gold and blue. It was chosen back when civilisation first formed in Izroulia. The sun and moon for the root of Izroulias magic and the waves for the fact Izroulia was an island and most of its resources came from the sea.

The crown and sceptre had similar symbols made from gold, silver and blue gems. The moon held the gems, and the suns rays beamed off it.

Through the chattering crowd, Micha swiftly made his way to the front row where he sat beside the Merfolk. Everyone was donning their traditional clothes again, in different combinations to mix things up a little this time. Micha being originally from sin had his own traditional clothes as well. Although being raised in Izroulia and now boyfriend of the king he opted to wear mainly Izroulian formal wear. Flowy and frilly shirt, dress pants, waistcoat combo. But he added his horn chains decorated with sigils, matching glasses chain and waist chain from sin.

"Hey, is she having a heart attack?" Aries asked.

"A mild one. He'll be fine, just obligatory nerves" Micha replied.

"Figures. He'll be ok"

As they chatted, Styxx turned to Zagreus, tapping him on the shoulder. The blonde turned to face him, never getting sick of his gorgeous he looked in a toga with all his elaborate earrings.

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