Chapter 27 | Haru and Micha

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"We've gotta be careful ok, after our little stunt I'm sure Agnemetra knows someone is planning something" Aries said, looking around hesitantly.

"You know it's nice to the Izroulia during the day and not performing a dangerous heist" Zagreus added.

They were back in the realm, this time rather than robbing the castle, they were here to show Zagreus the area since the only time he'd been to Izroulia and seen it was at night during their risky plan.

"I cannot stress this enough, now the queen bitch herself knows somethings up we CANNOT go near civilisation. We can't risk getting caught. We're here to show Zag the general layout of the land and we're bouncing, K?" Aries said, a serious tone in their voice.

The three nodded, understanding and definitely not wanting to risk becoming fish sticks.

"Ok, let's start with the east of the island, it's petty deserted over there"

Aries lead the three over rocks and through trees, being the only one not phased by the land they'd seen a million times. The other three on the other hand, were busy looking around at every little detail in awe. Izroulia never failed to amaze them, there was just something about the aura of the land that felt magical. Probably because it literally was magic, but that aura of uncharted lands and mystery to those who'd never been there was enthralling.

"Is it just me, or are the rocks here extra hard?" Icarus asked.

"Ic you're wearing jelly sandals" Pandora replied.

"Hey I gotta look fashion forward, plus I didn't think we'd be climbing over rocks"

"Dude your been here before, there's rocks everywhere" Aries pointed out.

"Well yeah, but usually we go through the Forrest, where all the dirt and grass is"

Zagreus snickered, the pod he'd been accepted into was like free entertainment. They always had something amusing to say.

"Jelly sandals on a hike probably isn't the best idea" He giggled.

"Yes, but consider: they look good" Icarus joked, pointing to him matter of factly.

Coming up to a clearing, they stopped at the top of a hill and looked over the land before them.

"This whole side of the island is mainly farmland, so while people do live here it's not many. Houses are very far apart, lots of paddocks and vineyards" Aries explained.

"I wouldn't mind living here, very lush flora and nice and quiet" Zagreus replied, pondering on what life would be like living in a safe Izroulia.

"And if you come down here..."

Aries lead them just a little to the left which lead to the side of a river.

"This is the trout river, bet your can't guess why it's called that" Aries continued.

"Gee, could it be there's lots of trout?" Icarus snickered.

"What? Noooo you think? I bet it's because there's lots of catfish" Pandora joked.

"Yeah the people who named it weren't very creative. Lots of trout, owned by Naiads. With rivers they split them up eventually and various families of Naiad all share ownership. With lakes and other closed bodies of water it's only one family each. This river runs right through the middle of the island and into the kingdom" Aries explained.

"That's pretty useful actually, if you ever get lost just look for the river and head up it until you find civilianisation" Zagreus replied.

"Yep, there's no chance of getting lost here if you know to just find the river"

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