Chapter 41 | Hurricane Luka [part 2]

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After a whole week of sleepless nights, power going on and off, and flooding water down the hill, the sun was finally shining again.

Aries stood in the doorway in their pyjamas looking up at the sky now starting to see sun again. The rain and stopped, the winds had calmed and the thunder and lightning was gone. Hurricane Luka was finally over. But the bay was a mess. Fallen branches and leaves littered the streets, things people never tied down we're all over the roads, flowerbeds were wrecked.

"Damnit cleaning this will take forever..." Aries sighed, kicking a fallen branch in their front yard.

"Good morning mx comatose!"

Turning to face the voice they found Icarus walking up the path.

"What are you doing up so early?" Aries asked.

"I could ask you the same thing. You always sleep in" she replied.

"Couldn't sleep with all the wind"

"Same, figured I'd come see the damage. There's still a bit of flooding at the bottom of the hill so be careful down that way"

Icarus looked around the yard at all the damage.

"At least your place isn't too bad, mines a wreck" Icarus said, kicking a fallen branch.

"Uh oh, what happened?" Aries asked.

"There's a trampoline on my roof"

Aries gave her a blank look, processing what she just said.

"There's... a trampoline-" Aries began.


"On your roof?"

"Yep" Icarus replied.


"Some dickhead didn't tie their trampoline down, the hurricane picked it up, and now it's on my roof"

Aries just gave her an exasperated expression again.

"Wow" they stated.

"I know" Icarus replied.

"Well I'm going to get changed and take a look at the rest of the bay" Aries said.

"Exactly what I'm doing, let's pass by Zag and Pandora"

Aries made a quick change, and the two headed out to see what the town had become after the storm. They found that the streets were littered with broken off branches, puddles of water and random debris all over the place. Luckily the damage didn't seem earth shattering, but it was quite the mess the town would be cleaning up for a while. The two went down to the docks where Pandora and Zags houses were, at the end of the street Zagreus was out the front of his house along with his mother raking up leaves and branches.

"Heeeeyyy zag!" Icarus called out.

Zagreus looked up as the two approached him, his mother walking over too.

"Good morning kiddos, you're up early" his mother said.

"Hey, your houses ok?" He asked.

"Apart from the trampoline on my roof, yeah" Icarus said.

"A trampo-"


"Wow" Zagreus stated.

"I know" Icarus replied.

"My place is fine, just covered in sticks" Aries added.

"Good, at least no serious damage was done. Mums mad her hydrangeas were crushed" Zagreus said.

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