Chapter 7 | powers

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The one slightly annoying thing about being a mermaid was the struggle to get out of the bath. Unable to stand up, Icarus had to climb out and flop onto the bathmat every time she was done washing her hair.

Sitting on the floor with several towels trying to dry off her tail and long hair, she sighed in frustration.

"Man this part of mermaiding is annoying..." she sighed.

The sounds of her phone ringing suddenly broke the silence of the bathroom and she reached up to take it off the counter, fingers barely just able to grab it by the phone charm. Answering it and putting it on speaker, she continued to dry off as she talked.

"Yo" she greeted.

"Hey, you busy?" Aries voice said.


She looked down at her tail for a moment, knowing this would probably take a while.

"Yes but also no? I'll be suited to leave the house by like 11" she replied.

"Sick, you able to meet up by the boardwalk?" Aries replied.

"Yeah I have nothing better to do, what's the plan?"

"I wanna see how your powers have developed. It's been a while since you transformed so surely you've made progress"

Icarus had been taking advantage of powers since she'd got them. She was by no means an expert, but it was helpful to turn on taps from across the room and bring your glass of water over to you when you're too tired to get up.

"I'm not an expert or anything but sure" Icarus agreed.

"I don't expect a newbie to be an expert, just not completely useless" Aries replied.

"I'll be there at like 11:15 or so, see you then?"

"Yep, see you then!"

When the call ended, Icarus turned back to her tail and sighed, her hair still soaked and not allowing her to transform back yet.

"Maybe I should get a super powerful hairdryer for this?" She muttered.

When she'd finally managed to dry off and get off the bathroom floor, she dug through her closet for yet another magazine cover worthy outfit. No matter the occasion she had to look beach glamorous. Todays pick was the classic hibiscus dress and platform sandals combo, topped off with frangipani hair clips. Bag on her shoulder she wandered down to the boardwalk where Aries was leaning on the railing watching some people down on the beach.

"Spying on cute boys?" Icarus teased.

"More like judging surfers who don't know surf etiquette. Guy in the blue just dropped in on a local" Aries pointed out, behind their heart sunglasses a judging look.

Icarus looked over at the surfers on the waves, seeing the annoyed locals sitting on their boards telling off the snake.

"What a dickhead, everyone knows to respect the locals" she scoffed.

"I know, bloody tourists. Anyway, let's find somewhere relatively hidden" Aries replied.

"I have an idea, do follow"

They walked up the beach, past the popular areas into the more deserted areas behind the rock formations no one could be bothered to climb over but them. Icarus had gotten used to climbing over rocks and sand dunes in less than proper attire for climbing. Aries seemed to be an expert at climbing in thongs (or flip flops for the Americans), having done it their whole life.

Wearing only a Coca Cola branded shirt and shorts, Aries never got a scratch or bruise while making trips over the rocks and dunes.

Now well hidden, the two stood by the rock pools to take a look at Icarus' progress.

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