Chapter 33 | the group meeting

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This was the first time the whole rebellion group would be meeting up to discuss everything. Haru, Micha and styxx had never been in the human realm before, and thanks to their very identifiable magic features like wings and horns, they had to be extra careful.

Zagreus went to pick up Styxx, making him tie his hair back to hide his pointed ears. Aries went to pick up Haru and Micha, who had to travel through the human realm through back alleys, Forested areas and cloaked to hide their horns and Haru's wings.

They all met at the spirit pool, to show the Izroulians the place that had been so important to the Merfolk throughout this hunt, as well as being a well hidden area no humans would find. Amusingly, it turned out Haru and Styxx had crossed paths before. When they saw each other the recognised each other from a time Haru was camping out by Styxx's lake. Now everyone was in the same place, and well hidden, things could get started. Well... when Icarus arrived.

"Salt water feels weird..." Styxx's commented, feet dipped into the spirit pool.

"Really? I don't feel that much of a difference between salt and fresh" Zagreus replied, leaning up in the edge next to him.

"I think it's a Naiad thing we're made for fresh water"

"I think you're right, I read a book about it. Naiads evolved for fresh water in particular, so you can feel a difference" Micha added.

They chatted amongst themselves as they waited for the latecomer. Micha resting his head on Harus lap, having his hair fiddled with by the dragon. The Merfolk floating around in the pool and Styxx sitting on the edge.

"What's with the human realm and being so... loud?" Haru pondered.

"Yeah I noticed that when I first arrived. I think there's just more people and infrastructure in small areas" Aries replied.

"I know there's a shit ton of humans and all, but do they all have to live so close to one another? Some of the houses we passed don't even have back yards"

"Humans are greedy, we like to build shit where it doesn't need to be built" Pandora sighed.

The differences between the human realm and Izroulia were very obvious despite their similarities, even the aura of the realm felt different. Finally the group spotted the bright pink of Icarus' tail through the water and she popped up to the surface.

"Sorry, mum ran into a friend at the shops and just would not stop talking" Icarus said.

"That's such a mum thing to do" Pandora snickered.

"Oh I know, it happens every time"

Leaning up on the edge of the pool, the group was now complete. 7 total rebels ready to fight against the queen bitch herself.

"Alright, we have a few final details to iron out here. We're definitely not experts on the chaos gems but after reading the grimoire and accidentally breaking several objects while testing the powers out, I think we're decent enough to fight" Aries began.

"We still have some time before we actually fight so we can squeeze in some more practice anyway" Zagreus replied.

"Exactly, now onto more pressing issues-"

Aries pulled themselves up and sat on the side of the pool, tail dipping into the water.

"We've figured out that if I use the ring to crack the ground open around the area we want to fight in, that makes zero escape. So we can corner Agnemetra. And when it's all over Icarus can use the necklace to repair the crack" Aries said.

"That's a good idea actually, just have to make sure no one is near by to accidentally fall in" Micha replied.

"That should hopefully not be a problem if we can figure out a way to get her cult out of the picture... which I'm still not sure how to do"

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