Chapter 43 | graduation

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Taking a break from the hunt thanks to the hurricane clean up and the girls graduation was definitely needed. And the plans to start hunting again would start next week, because this week was chock full of things to do.

Graduation for one, and the first day of the Izroulian Merfolk housing project was to kick off. Haru had really gone all out, he'd managed to get half the island to help out with the build. The land had been taped off, resources set aside and several of the kingdoms contractors were eager to jump on the chance to make some cool beachside housing.

Zagreus had told his parents about the project as well, and that if they wanted to help they could pick some of the land to build their own house on since they wanted to move back to Izroulia. They were eager to take the change and had claimed a spot at the mouth of the river where it lead into the ocean.

The plan was to extend one of the already existing streets on the outskirts of the main town along the beach and have several sturdy and water resistant houses along the coast. And even some smaller houses above the water and along a big jetty, underneath the stilts holding them up will be covered in artificial reef material to attach sea life and encourage biodiversity.

But before the group went into Izroulia to help out tomorrow, it was Graduation day. Since the girls went to different schools and their ceremonies happened at the same time, they came up with a plan. Aries and Zagreus might not be able to make it to both of them at the same time, but they could throw them a little party afterwards. So they let the girls spend the graduation ceremony with their families and classmates while they were busy making a congratulations cake and some small magical charms for good luck in the future.

They'd told them to come over to Zagreus' place once they ceremonies were over and they didn't have any gushing family members to attend to.

"Dude your icing skills suck" Aries snickered.

"I'd like to see you do better" Zagreus sassed back, trying to keep his hands steady on the piping bag.

His dad was out at work at the moment, but his mum Nymphia was home and wandered into the kitchen to see how the two were going. She looked over her sons shoulder at the progress.

"Not bad. Slightly wonky lettering tough" she teased.

"Shut up, this is difficult" Zagreus snickered.

"So what are the girls doing now they've graduated? You two know?"

"I know Icarus wants to take a gap year and save up some more money. Pandora is still deciding on if she wants to do university or take the risk and tell her parents about Izroulia and potentially move there" Aries explained.

"They've got the whole summer holidays, they have time to figure things out. I'm sure they'll find what's right for them" Nymphia replied.

Finishing up the icing, Zagreus opened the piping bag and scraped what was let out into a bowl to eat later. Next was the sprinkles.

"I can't wait to move back to Izroulia, I love it there" he said.

"Is it the scenery and magic you love? Or the hot Naiad with his tits out you love?" Aries teased.

Zagreus whacked their arm for that comment, just making Aries laugh.

"Ah yes that long haired pretty boy you're so in love with, he's actually a pretty nice guy I'll give you that" Nymphia teased.

Styxx had met Zagreus' parents during the celebrations, and it was so blatantly clear to them that the two would end up dating each other. They knew their son, and they knew his weakness for a man with long flowy hair.

Izroulia: Hunt for the Lost Pod Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon