Chapter 2 | New Tides

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"My god my mum's gonna be so freaked" Icarus said.

"Just stick to the cover story, I'm sure it'll be fine" Aries replied.

"Right. Wow I feel so... new. Like seeing my tail for the first time was so nerve wrecking but once we started swimming I just go so exited. I feel like a little kid who's dreams have all come true"

"Told you the mermaid life isn't that bad"

"Mum will probably want me home for the rest of the day after everything that happened. But I wanna know more about this whole mermaid thing" Icarus said.

"Tomorrow morning. I'll text you, Meet me at the docks and I'll explain as much as I can" Aries replied.

Turning up to a front yard of her house house, they approached the door and Icarus went to knock.

"God I better not get in trouble for this" she sighed.

When she knocked, almost immediately someone opened the door. Her mother gasped and pulled her into her arms.

"Oh my god you're ok thank goddess. What happened? I was so close to calling the police..." she said.

"I got lost orienteering and slipped on some rocks and hit my head. But I got so lucky because Aries here found me and stayed with me until I woke up. They would have called for help but we were so far from the camp and any roads there was no service. I just got lucky they knows the beaches around here" Icarus replied, gesturing to Aries.

Her mother looked over at her and Aries gave an awkward wave.

"Thank you so much. I was so worried, I'll have to have a little chat with that camp manager..."

"I'll see you around then Aries" Icarus said.

"Yeah I'll see you around"

And with that, they parted ways. Icarus mother closed the door and gave her daughter a hug.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. Luckily I didn't get too hurt. Just a bit of a bruise" Icarus replied.

"Good, I was so scared. But on the bright side, look at you finally making friends"

"They're actually pretty cool, I think we'll get along"

Breaking the hug, her mother sighed and proceeded to playfully whack her daughter.

"Ow! Hey!" Icarus yelped.

"How the hell did you get so lost you were out of cell service?" She asked.

"No idea. You know me though I can barely read to save my life"

"Oh you worry me to death sometimes honey... Why don't you go take a bath and go get some sleep. I'll wake you up for dinner ok?"

"Ok, thanks mum"

Icarus headed to the bathroom, turning on the taps and letting the bath fill up.

She finally had some time to just sit and think about everything. In under 24 hours her whole life just got flipped on it's head. She's a mermaid... there's some kind of magic pool on the coast, she might be one of the only mermaids left and she had to keep it all a secret.

Also there's a difference between sirens and mermaids? How many rules were there to this? So much to think about and so many questions she needed answers too.

As she waited for the bath to fill up,the water suddenly stopped running.

"Huh? Is something in the pipes?" She muttered.

Izroulia: Hunt for the Lost Pod Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant