Chapter 14 | lessons

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Each member of the small pod that was forming, stood out. Not just because of their personalities but their sense of style too. Most residents of pointbreak wore the classic board shorts and shirt combo every Australian wore on a stupidly hot day. But our three Merfolk differed.

Icarus was known for bright colours, tropical imagery, tiny skirts and sparkly thongs (for flip flops for the Americans). Aries had a slightly more old summer approach, although they had a soft spot for surf brands. They were usually in matching shorts and crop top sets, sailor collars, high waisted shorts with a bright red tank top to match. And the newest edition, Pandora had her own identifiable style too.

Each time Aries and Icarus met up with her, she had some kind of combination of the same thing. Button ups over bikini tops, denim skirts, shirts branded with boating and fishing logos and terry cloth beach wear.

If Icarus was pink and Aries was red, then Pandora was blue.

The way they looked as a group together, with different styles but tied together with the similarly of it being a form of beach wear, made them look like an odd match to outsiders. But they were probably the best match anyone could make. After all, it'd only taken the first term of school and some mermaid mischief for them to all become friends.

The sun was again, blazing. Aries smelled like sunscreen from the sheer amount they'd put on to keep their pale skin from becoming burnt. The front yard needed to be watered, so carefully as to not touch said water, they'd spent most of the morning out the front watering.

A car horn beeped, making them jump in fright at the sudden noise and almost drop the watering can they held. Looking up, a with P plates car rolled up to the curb. Icarus was the one to stick her head out the window.


"What lunatic let you pass?" Aries joked back.

Pandora climbed over Icarus to stick her head out the window as well.

"Get in loser we're going to the rapids!" Pandora said.

"I dunno, we getting maccas on the way?" Aries replied.

"Duh! Come on!" Icarus added.

Quickly locking up the house, Aries jumped in the back seat and off they went. The first thing they noticed was the powerful smell of coconut air freshener that hung from the rear view mirror, and little hula dancer on the dashboard.

"You are the most stereotypical surfer chick on the whole coast" Aries laughed.

"That's the goal. Her name is B-B, short for baddest bitch" Icarus replied, tapping the hula dancer so she wiggled.

"All you need is a custom number plate with beach babe on it or something" Pandora snickered.

"Ugh I wanted one but they're SO expensive. Gotta save up"

The drive from the coast to the rapids wasn't too long, but it would be a pain in the ass to walk the distance. Icarus having her license now would be useful for the travels the group would be making up and down the coast line on their hunt. The rapids was a stretch of the river that was famous for being rocky and fast running, lots of waterfalls and twists and turns. The main stretch wasn't safe to swim in, but the smaller sections where the river broke off into watering holes and small lakes was safe and pretty. The annual river boat races often came through the rapids, the experts being able to navigate the rough waters without being hurt. The area was usually rather empty aside from race season, perfect spot to mess around with magic.

After their McDonald's pit stop to get frozen colas, they came to their destination and parked in the shade of the trees. Getting out, they looked around to find only a few people out picnicking by the water. As long as they went past the populated area, they'd be fine.

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