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feel like most people wont enjoy it bc i rlly dunno how to write smut😭i dont like writing it rlly

feel like most people wont enjoy it bc i rlly dunno how to write smut😭i dont like writing it rlly

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You woke up in a dark room. The fact that you didn't know what day, date or even the time was killing you. Your hand got placed on your face trying to remember all things that happened.

Memories started filling up your head. That memories. Bad ones, sad ones. Why. Why is shit happening to you?

"Keisuke.." soft sobs escaped your mouth, they fastly turned into cries for help.

Few seconds after real and loud crying and screaming two people rushed inside of room, followed by few more of them afterwards.

First two were, of course, Rindou and Ran, your dear and only brothers. Their arms quickly found their way around your body.

They pressed themselves close to you trying to comfort you as best as they could. You cried in their arms for few minutes before calming down.

After calming down, Ran gave you a soft smile saying that everything's going to be alright and wiped your tears with him thumb.

Your older brothers are acting the way your boyfriend, soon to be husband, should act in situations like this.

"Where's Manjiro?" you asked, rather whispered. You didn't know anything. Where he was, what happened yesterday, is Baji dead..?

Just as you finished your sentence, a man whose hair was white, eyes as dark as the night, face emotionless as a dead man, walked into the room.

And suddenly... your sadness turned to anger. Your heart started beating faster, face turned into a glare, all veins in your body popped up.

Others in the room tried to calm you again. But failed. They tried to hold you from punching the white haired man in his face. But failed.

You watched as blood pured down Manjiro's face. His face still looking as emotionless as it was before, he didn't move one bit after you punched him.

That's what you hated about him the most. You could punch him all you want, he's never gonna feel a thing.

"Why can't I hate you, Manjiro?!" you suddenly yelled. "Why can't I hate you for ruining my life!" last three words got man's attention. He opened his mouth to talk.

A moment after, he only stared at your tired eyes. Tired of crying and everything else. These weren't the same as before. Your eyes were beautiful, full of joy and light. Now they started looking like his.

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