thirty - five.

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! This part may contain Manga Spoilers. It contains characters that are only found in Manga and scenes from it !

 It contains characters that are only found in Manga and scenes from it !

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"I'm disbaning Toman."

Few hours later..

Draken, Mikey and you stood in front of the crowd like you always do.

You kept your tears back since Mikey told you the truth.

"Listen up everyone..! After defeating Tenjiku, Toman's Japan's top gang!" Mikey started.

Usually, Draken was the one who started meetings, but this time it was Mikey himself.

"We have created the new era..! And that's why I want it all to end while we're finally at the top.." his talk made you tear up.

Draken pulled you to his arms and hugged you. He was on the ende of crying, like Mikey, but he couldn't do so.

He wasn't as strong as you.

All other members wondered why you were crying, but thought that it was because of Haitanis.

"From today, TOKYO MANJI GANG IS DISBANDED!" Mikey yelled his last words.

"HUH?!" every Captain screamed.



"Why do we need to end it now?!"

"We just got to the top!"

"HANAGAKI TAKEMICHI, COME FORWARD!" Mikey yelled making everyone silence down.

You let go of Draken, thanking him.

"This would be the best action to change the future... right?" Mikey softly asked.

He wore a sad expression same as boy standing next to him.

Takemichi has eyes full of tears as well as you.

"B-but Mikey..!" Takemichi tried to argue.

"First Division Captain, Baji Keisuke, come forward." Mikey ignored and continued.

All eyes were on Baji. He gulped and walked up, standing next to Takemichi.

"Without you, Toman would probably never even been created, so thank you." Mikey started.

"Hold your pants Mikey-" Baji said.

He was stupid enough to say it without thinking about correct way of saying things at the moment.

"Second Division Captain, Mitsuya Takashi! Come forward!" Mikey ignored this one too, calling for next person to come.

Mitsuya walked up confused as well. The thing is, Mikey didn't tell anyone else his future actions.

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