Chapter 400. Yasenia's exhaustion. Reaction of Important parties.

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Of course, they didn't rush to speak and thought about letting Yasenia rest first.

Even if the dragoness's natural regeneration was good, getting rest would do wonders for a person. The fact that a cultivator at their level doesn't need deep rest didn't mean that sleeping or relaxing was not beneficial.

Yasenia was on the sofa, leaning on Andrea's tall body and resting her head on her shoulder. Her waist was twisted outward to avoid bothering her with her big tail.

Angel and Kali had caught it and were playing with it peacefully. Unlike before, it wasn't as smooth as the scales looked harder. However, the colors were much more beautiful since they were exactly like her dragon scales.

When they saw Yasenia's tail tip with the sharp-looking scales, they couldn't help but frown for a second. Cecile was quite direct. "Yasenia, will you use your tail in the future? It looks painful."

Yasenia was sniffing Andrea's neck with her eyes closed in relaxation as Andrea's firm arms hugged her waist. The posture was too comfortable, so she answered with a sleepy tone. "Don't worry. Although the natural shape has changed, I can still smoothen the tail tip." Yasenia took in a deep breath and sighed. "Darling, you smell so nice~."

Andrea's face was tender as she softly kissed Yasenia's forehead and cheeks. She couldn't express how much she loved their current position. Tatyana was massaging her legs while she said jokingly. "Well, that's good news. I didn't want to lose the double-penetration perk that naturally came with you."

Yasenia snorted and snuggled deeper between Andrea's arms. Meanwhile, she controlled her tail to smoother the scales. The others saw the scales moving slowly and shifting, finally becoming a flat surface with a tempting shape at the tip.

Evelyn nodded and said. "Can you do anything new with it?"

Yasenia thought for a second and then commented. "Does this count?"

They saw Yasenia's tail top open in a circular passage to reveal a pink flesh tunnel. They were instantly stunned. Then, Evelyn muttered. "A tail-pussy."

Their lips twitched. Kali asked, "So, what is this for?"

Yasenia snorted and said. "My tail organs have become much more intricate. Now, I can absorb and expel fluids with it. In short, it really is a tail vagina. Of course, that's not the main use, as I can feel that I can expel waste through it. However, I don't understand why I developed it."

Valeria guessed. "Probably your subconscious desire to have more ways of pleasing your partner affected your rebirth process. Moreover, you may be able to simultaneously gestate a life within your tail and uterus, making you more fertile."

Yasenia sighed. "Well, I've been able to do this for a while already. It is also true that I have some organs I can't tell what they are there for yet, so I can accept that explanation, even if it is a bit far-fetched."

Andrea raised her eyebrow. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Yasenia bit Andrea's neck and opened her golden eyes for a second. "I was already shy having intercourse in my dragon form. Do you think I'll make my body even stranger in your eyes?"

Evelyn looked at Andrea and chuckled. "What, eager to try it?"

Andrea snorted and looked at her. "As if I'm the only one."

The others smirked. 'Well, she is not wrong.'

Kali thought of something and commented. "Now that I think about it, I'm finally relieved from my duty of being the spokesperson!"

Yasenia chuckled and turned her head to look at her. "Was it that hard, honey?"

Kali was usually without her veil at home, so she smiled and shook her head. "No, but I feel more confident leaving the decisions to you. I prefer looking at things from the outside and helping you in the dark."

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