Chapter 328. Tatyana's Decision. Yasenia's treachery.

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As Yasenia plotted how to rob these people, Tai Yang and Change'er were slowly disappearing. Therefore, the attention they got was minimal since the cultivator's eyes were locked on Yasenia.

As they disappeared, they looked at Yasenia for a while, but they didn't say anything. The tribulation that had fallen on Yasenia for entering the Unification Realm and gaining independence in her own fate had already gone by, so they couldn't maintain their forms.

Their eyes were thoughtful and calculating, clear that they hadn't surrendered or changed their intentions yet. Do not think that they weren't a threat if they continued with their plans; they were experienced Gods, after all.

However, even if they were a threat in the future, the only person that realized it wasn't even inside the secret realm.

Tatyana observed them and laughed aloud in ridicule. 'What a pathetic pair of Gods! Is your pride that important? Must everything go your way? How could a pair of Gods be as superficial as that? Truly a disappointment.'

Tatyana observed the situation until they were completely gone and waved her hand to make the skill disappear. Maintaining it was extremely costly, and it wasn't something that she could keep up with everything that was going on in the Sky Continent.

She sighed sadly as she saw her daughter's figure vanish. Then, she shook her head, 'Anyway, I have to become stronger quickly, or I won't be able to protect my little treasure. Since she has the [Black Crystal Heart], I don't have to worry too much about her safety wherever she appears after the Secret Realm.'

Tatyana walked out of the ruined Throne Room and was greeted by a crowd. All of them were her underlings; they had been waiting until the powerful fluctuations had ended inside the Throne room. Tatyana continued thinking, 'Cecile and the other children had also improved beyond my expectations, and together they should be able to protect each other. I can finally relax my heart. Moreover, they still have their life-saving treasures.'

With that out of the way, Tatyana thought about increasing her strength quickly without hurting her foundation. 'Well, a giant massacre would be nice. Hmm, yeah, let's annihilate a quarter of the Demonic side of the Continent to use as an energy source for my advancement. Maybe that is too little? Bah, it doesn't matter. I will kill until I have enough. If I'm still lacking, I will travel to the Underworld.'

Tatyana looked around and said, her black hair and royal-red dress waving without wind. "Let's go to War. I want Death to flood the entire Continent."

The thousands of subordinates before her fell to one knee and shouted in unison. "The Death Empress's decree shall become the truth!"

As so, with such unconditional genocide in mind, Tatyana also began her own journey to becoming stronger.

The Death Demigoddess started sprinting toward Godhood, and nothing would stop her! Whatever tried to do so, they would only become her nourishment.

Back in the secret realm, Cecile, Andrea, Evelyn, Angel, and Kali maintained silence and looked at how Yasenia approached Jaxon. Their lips were twitching as they held their laughter, thinking of the face he would have when he realized what had happened. Of course, Cecile and Angel had related her intentions to the others using their connection.

Gerd, the only leader that hadn't flown beside Yasenia, was doubtful. 'Why did this Dragon appear from the black orb? Was it a dragon egg the whole time? It would make sense if that dead bitch carried something like this.'

His delusion that Yasenia was dead without a chance to resurrect blinded him from the truth. Even when Cecile's and the girls' reaction was too calm, he lied to himself, thinking they were in denial about Yasenia's death.

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