Chapter 337. Facing off against Lu Hao.

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A group of ten people was walking in the Volcanic area. It was made of seven men and three women, all of them human. The leader of the group was a man named Lu Hao.

This person was from the Heavenly Sect. However, unlike most disciples from that sect that followed righteousness and had a heart that leaned on justice, he was a scum that managed to get admitted into the sect because of his connections.

His father was a teacher of a high order, his grandfather was a powerful elder, his elder sister was a talented woman, and his mother was the beauty of her generation.

Of course, a woman and man like them could not give birth to an ugly person, so he was very handsome. Black long hair, straight eyebrows, a tall body, and an angular face. If it weren't because his body being less trained than usual, he would also have a perfect muscular body as his father did.

However, unlike the strict upbringing a family like theirs normally had, he was pampered because of the mother's difficulties when giving birth to him. When a child is indulged without restraint, the result, most of the time, is someone unafraid of consequences. Something that, in powerful families, happens more often than not.

Lu Hao walked with one arm massaging the butt of one of the three women. She was a lover of his, a willing lover, so the others didn't have any problem.

The place they were walking had tall rocks, so their visibility was low. It was like a mountain path leading upwards.

That woman suddenly felt Lu Hao stopping and looked at him strangely.

This lover of hers was a pervert that had even once taken her in public. She didn't mind because his family was extremely powerful, and she wanted to gain his favor. However, she heard that he was scolded quite badly after that event. Yet, all the punishment he received was not being allowed outside for a month. The woman snorted in her mind, 'Talk about spoiling rotten a person.'

Anyway, the woman looked at him strangely because he didn't just stop that misbehaving hand, but his whole body froze like stone.

The woman hugged his side and smiled, "What's wrong, young master Lu? Are you unsatisfied with this one's body?"

But the moment she hugged him close, she realized that the man was trembling and sweating. She frowned, feeling that something was wrong, and said aloud. "All of you, stop. Young master Lu is feeling unwell."

Some of them secretly tsked their tongues, thinking this was another excuse to stop and have a good time. However, when their eyes landed on Lu Hao, they realized they were wrong.

The man called Lu Hao was trembling like a newborn calf. His face was pale, his teeth chattering, and his body dripped with cold sweat. He looked around, scared, and said aloud. "I-I don't know why, but I feel like something scary is coming. I feel like a wild beast has locked its eyes on me."

The ten of them frowned. What kind of beast could create a reaction like this one?

However, his reaction was so unnatural that they decided to believe him and take out their weapons, just in case. Moreover, Lu Hao was the strongest at the peak of the Mental Nourishing Realm. If he was afraid, the enemy should be strong.

High on alert, they waited for whatever was coming to appear.

After a whole minute of a tense atmosphere, they heard steps coming from behind a tall rock at the side. They all turned and prepared to attack.

Nevertheless, what appeared from behind the large boulder was a two-tailed fox-woman and a small starry-blue dragon.

The fox-woman appeared harmless, and the feeling around her was that of gentle beauty. A veil covered her face, but her figure approached perfection. An hourglass figure that made the three women present look very lacking.

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