Chapter 218. The Powerful Gates. A small sacrifice.

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After the demon entered the Heaven Gate, he prepared his serrated sword to receive the trial. The lightning that shot from the Gate bolted toward him extremely fast. Surprised by the lightning speed, the demon waved his jagged sword quickly. Darkness and magma attributes gathered around his blade to create a powerful attack.


The attacks collided in a big explosion, damaging the injured demon. He only took a single step back, clearly having the strength to spare. Yasenia frowned, 'That's it? It should be much harder, right?'

While the demon leader resisted this lightning bolt, more demons arrived and tried to pass the gates. Even if they were smart, all of them were quite arrogant, so out of the twenty demons, 15 went to the Heaven gate, three to the Earth gate, and two to the Mortal Gate. Those who went to the mortal Gate were low-level demons who miraculously survived Yasenia's [Noon] attack and were injured. Else, they would have tried to enter through the Earth Gate.

Yasenia resumed jogging lightly toward the Heaven Gate while lightly helping the people that were struggling with their fights, observing the other Demons. That blue lightning struck all of them once. And this revealed that the lightning was actually quite strong.

Out of the 15 that entered the Heaven Gate, that attack slammed ten of them so hard that they were blasted away with scorched bodies, completely dead. This surprised everyone observing the Heaven Gate so much that even the fighting people were distracted. It wasn't that the demons that were instantly overcooked were weak. Most of them were top-level Demon Viscounts and Viscountess, but they died so easily!

Yasenia observed that the lightning was also of the same strength in the Earth and Mortal gates, and when they shot, they killed almost every single one of them, making our dragoness even more confused. 'What's the point of placing various gates if the challenge is the same?'

The two in the mortal Gate died miserably without a chance even to fight back, and of the three in the Earth gate, two died, and the other remained standing half-dead. Yasenia heard the demoness in the Earth gate shouting that she still couldn't move and wanted to leave, saying words of surrender and things like that. Still, it seemed that once you began the trial, you couldn't stop.

Suddenly, a second bolt shot toward the unmoving demons at a much higher speed and strength than before, including toward the demoness in the Earth Gate.


The demon leader smashed it into pieces with another skill, but the strength it carried made him take seven steps back and damaged him, worsening his previous injuries. He was now grunting in pain as chunks of his wings and flesh were completely carbonized by the lightning.

Of the other four in the Heaven Gate, three died against this second bolt, turned into literal ashes, and the other one was heavily injured, unable to even stand. That demoness in the Earth gate couldn't even bear the lightning strength and directly exploded when the powerful energy invaded her body. Thankfully she was charred beyond recognition, so the show wasn't too visceral, as only black things spread around.

Yasenia was frowning deeply. She had even stopped attacking as she focused on the remaining two demons. 'Is there no difference between the gates? Maybe it doesn't matter which Gate you enter from? Is it a test of attitude? Something like those that enter from the Heaven gate won't receive rewards because they are arrogant? It shouldn't be like that, right?'

The woman who faced the Demon leader reached Yasenia's side at this moment and asked; her tone was gentle as it was thanks to Yasenia that she could still remain alive. "What are you thinking about, Yasenia? I see that you are frowning."

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