Chapter 326. Birth of the new Hegemon. [End of Volume Six]

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When all the eyes focused on the [Primordial Energy Core], they felt an unknown pressure. Because of its majestic aura, just looking at it felt like an offense. Those that laid their eyes on the Core felt like they should lower their heads and patiently wait for whatever was happening to complete without interference.


The rhythmic sound reverberated one more time, making their chest feel those vibrations directly. The loud sound created energy waves with each pulse, distorting its surroundings.

"The sound comes from the orb?"

"It seems like it."

"What is happening?"

"I don't know, but this aura is too scary."

You have to remember that the people who observed Yasenia's previous death were only in the hundreds. In a group of now twelve thousand, they were too little. Of course, Gerd's previous declaration created some doubts about the origin of this. Together with the fact that this item was Yasenia's, people began doubting.

However, even for a cultivator, it seemed too incredible to be true, and soon most discarded the option of the creature in the Core being Yasenia. The main reason was that it was common knowledge that the Heavenly Dragoness couldn't actually transform.

The beasts and beast-humans felt it much more powerfully than the rest. And unknown to their group leaders, they began shifting toward the beast faction.

Laurina muttered, "Ancient Beast. This event only happens when a Peak-level Ancient beast is about to be born!"

The dragon princess's declaration was like a spark, and everyone got excited.

Even inside the Sky Continent, the highest bloodline level was Peak-level Divine beast. And that was counting the adult beasts.

Ancient Bloodline level beasts had been unable to be born for a long time because the purity of the parent's bloodline was not enough.

Moreover, since humans dominated the Sky Continent, there have been more than once when a beast mated with a human, further diluting their pure bloodlines.

However, right before their eyes, the thing about to be born was a whole realm above it. A peak-level Ancient Bloodline beast. What did this mean? This creature was extremely likely to break through the ceiling of the Sky Continent, the peak-level Transcendence realm.

Furthermore, bloodline levels improved as the beast grew up, so being born in this realm meant that it would achieve immeasurable heights in the future.

On the Sky Continent, Tatyana sat on her black and green throne, looking at the spectacle. After confirming that Yasenia didn't completely die after being struck to death by that lightning bolt, she relaxed a lot. There was a smile hanging on her lips as she amusedly thought. 'What will you do now, Moon Goddess, Sun God? The thing you thought to be your puppet is about to walk on its own four limbs. Without my help, my daughter is about to break those powerful fate strings you attached to her. How does it feel? Terrible, right?'

Tatyana laughed as she drank a red liquid from her cup. 'But what can you do? The ties you two put on yourselves to be bound to my daughter prohibit you from doing anything before she reforms her body while advancing to the Transcendence Realm. What a tragic outcome. In the end, you've underestimated my little treasure, and now she is free to do what she likes the most, growing beyond everyone's expectations, far beyond what you two predicted.'

Tatyana let the half-empty cup float and rested her chin on her palm, looking humorously at Change'er's and Tai Yang's emotionless faces. 'Will you be able to complete your plans? Will you be able to guide her as you want? Will you two give up your plans and become her strength? Or will you two fail and become Yasenia's enemies? What an interesting future is before us, hahaha.'

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