Chapter 358. [Divine Lich Empress's Body Forging]. Valeria's previous master.

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By the time the top forces of the Distancia Continent began sweeping the area, our girls were already very far away in the direction of the nearest City.

While running, Tatyana still carried the large dragoness, looking quite comical. Evelyn said with a small laugh. "Mother-in-law, be careful when spoiling her, or you will revert her to childhood one more time."

Tatyana looked at the cute dragoness liking her face, and smiled. "Maybe that's not bad. I wouldn't mind grooming-I mean, seeing her grow up again."

The others looked at Tatyana strangely. Cecile asked. "Did you really groom her?"

Yasenia stopped and looked at Tatyana curiously. 'Did she?'

Tatyana snorted. "I did not. It is true that I wanted her to be my lover since before she was born, but that doesn't mean I wanted something wired by me. I was a normal mother raising her child until she was a proper adult!"

Tatyana then clicked her tongue. "I wanted to wait a little more, maybe until she was one hundred years old. However, that child, Oliver, was getting too close to her. Smooth talker, he made so many of my plans to make my little treasure crazy for me go to waste."

Yasenia laughed aloud, "So it is true that brother Oliver was the trigger for your confession. You almost lost to a junior~."

The others blinked. 'Will you just ignore that she wanted to make you crazy in love with her?'

However, remembering Yasenia's attitude toward Tatyana, it seemed that Yasenia had developed in that direction without Tatyana's intervention. They couldn't help but internally shake their heads. 'Truly, they are daughter and mother no matter how strange their relationship is.'

Tatyana raised her eyebrow. "Did you really think so? Not much later, I managed to get your everything. I think I was quite smooth~."

The others nodded. Andrea commented with a laugh in her voice. "For what you've told us, it was quite effective. She got you to change your attitude from daughter to daughter-lover quite quickly."

Yasenia's cheeks became shiny, showing off a gentle blue light. The others almost clutched their hearts while running. 'That's how she blushes!? How can she be so cute!'

Yasenia relaxed and looked around. "Are we far enough? I want to stop and talk a bit with Mom."

Tatyana nodded, "I also have some questions. Hmm... Let's stop over there. There is a large cave behind that wall. We can create a small fire and pass the night calmly."

No one protested, and they all made a ninety-degree turn.

Shortly after, they reached the natural cave and entered inside. Yasenia left Tatyana's embrace and waved her claw, summoning a large brown couch with a table in the middle. Quite a fancy piece of furniture.

Tatyana lifted her eyebrow. "This design... It is quite similar to the one in our house."

Yasenia nodded and used her mouth to sit Tatyana on it. Then, she climbed on top and circled her twice, letting her body rest around her with her head on Tatyana's lap.

The red-eyed woman looked softly at her and caressed her head, horns, and snout. The others also sat around and relaxed. Angel leaned on Yasenia's body and stretched. "Finally, we stop running. This night has been quite the roller-coaster, especially because of Mommy Tatyana's item."

Tatyana was close enough to stretch her hand and pat her. "Sorry, little Angel. I thought the Heavens wouldn't react. This World must be quite new for not letting something with Demigoddess level strength appear."

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