Chapter 222. System Takes Control. Yasenia's bad hunch.

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After Yasenia overcame the trial, she stepped forward and sashayed her mouthwatering hips toward Angel and Kali. Both of them were blushing with an infatuated expression after Yasenia's powerful display. Even if beauty were very inviting, strength would always be an extremely attractive quality in the cultivation world. You could be ugly, but if your strength were high enough, the opposite sex and even sometimes the same sex would flock to you like moths to fire.

Yasenia had both divine beauty that transcended genders and trampling strength that transcended cultivation realms, making her the perfect partner in the eyes of those that witnessed her trial. This led to the crowd discussing with passion.

"What the hell!? She just smashed the bolts!"


"So beautiful that I'm drooling everywhere!"

"Can you be less graphic?"

"Oy, what are you looking at with that stupid gaze in front of your fiance!"

"I want your babies!"

"I want a dozen of them!"

One man beside that woman and her friend looked at them speechless, "Do you not know how to say anything else? You have been saying that you want her babies all the time."

Those two women almost had hearts in their eyes as they looked at Yasenia, and one answered, "But I want her babies."

The other said with a creepy laughing tone, "I want her to put her seed in me and bloat my stomach to a breaking point! Huhuhu, To give birth until my lower part is so loose that the babies would slip easily. Huhuhu."

The first one nodded and also laughed strangely, "That right. huekhuekhuek, to give birth to as many babies as needed to create a new race."

The man felt chills going up his spine and decided not to speak to those two crazy women again. Their eyes right now were very scary. 'Dangerous, Dangerous. There are some crazy people in this group.' Even if he wanted to refute that as a woman, Yasenia couldn't put any seed inside them. He didn't dare to speak to those two fanatics.

Thankfully, those two weren't the norm inside the S.L.U.T group, as the cult leaders- *Ouch!* Okay, okay, I understand. The "fan leaders" promoted responsible obsession toward Yasenia. Especially the secret and unknown leader of the Fanclub, who promoted an unknown term called 'Healthy Yandere' that every single one of them embraced with their arms wide open.

Meanwhile, Sarah was looking at the Heaven Gate with reservation. 'Can I pass through it?'

[Host. If you let me control your body, you would be able to pass through it. But remember that you have been in this World very little, and I can't take control many times, or I would destabilize your soul and body connection. So think if it is worth it.]

Sarah looked at Yasenia's back and her long and beautiful swishing tail. Her head told her to reserve this skill from the system for a dangerous moment, but Sarah's heart wanted to remain beside Yasenia. Even if they had been together for nothing more than a few hours, Yasenia's importance and presence in her heart had grown steadily. She took a deep breath and said, 'Okay, let's do it. Take control.'

[Order confirmed]

Sarah's expression turned extremely cold and emotionless, and she zoomed toward the Heaven Gate. Sarah was looking from the outside as if she was looking at a videogame in the third person as her body moved with surgical precision, not wasting any extra energy in any movement. It was as perfect as it could get.

Yasenia reached Angel's and Kali's side and felt an aura approaching from behind. When she turned back, she saw that Sarah was advancing toward the Heaven Gate. Yasenia frowned. Even if she was cautious of this naive girl, she didn't desire her death. 'Does she want to die?'

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