Chapter 313. Talk about Yasenia's experience.Evelyn's fantasies come true! (R18)

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Yasenia exited the room in high spirits. These sessions with her dears were doing wonders for her mentality. The line before and after the Trial was blurring, making those memories of the past clearer.

Yasenia was a high-level cultivator when she met them, so her brain was already empowered. Her ability to retain memories was extremely high. However, this didn't mean that she could remember everything at will. Sometimes, a trigger was needed.

Like it or not, night activity was a big part of her daily life with her dears, so having intercourse with them was an experience that made her remember many things. When Yasenia had sex with them, they didn't only vent their lust to each other.

Yasenia always has tried making love, making each and every session with them special one way or another. Now, finally connecting with Angel and Kali, her entire soul felt like it was singing with happiness.

Not only did she feel their Yin energy across her meridians, but the feeling of intimacy and closeness was also there again. It was the last step Yasenia needed to recover most of her previous pampering self. Of course, it was impossible to be without changes, but the sweet, lovely, and pampering dragoness had returned without any dramatic issues.

This was thanks to the relationship Yasenia built with effort and love.

Suppose Yasenia hadn't been completely loyal, adding many other women as she did in her Trial. In that case, she could see some of them either being angrier or directly leaving her side out of jealousy or other negative feelings.

However, her previous loyalty and honesty made Angel and the others understand her plight, her train of thought as to why she did that, and her decisions regarding her way of overcoming the Trial.

Evelyn, Cecile, and Andrea saw Yasenia walking out of Kali's room into the hall again. Her mouth was hooked into a happy and tender smile, and her whole being felt like a cozy blanket that surrounded them. Their lips unconsciously raised, infected by Yasenia's happiness.

"What are you smiling for, my love?" Asked Cecile.

Yasenia walked toward them; unlike previously, she didn't directly take one of them away. She walked toward Andrea, who was sitting in the middle of the three, and sat on her lap. Andrea wouldn't lose the chance to hug that soft and slim waist and her arms wrapped around the dragoness. Yasenia turned her waist and tail to the side to avoid bothering Andrea.

"Well, I'm happy that I'm back with all of you. All that time in the Trial took a tool on me." Yasenia's voice was soft and soothing, as if reflecting on her memories. Evelyn and Cecile grabbed one hand each, playing with those long, slim, and elegant fingers.

Andrea was curious and asked, "Say, Yasenia. Do you mind speaking about your intimacy within the Trial?"

Yasenia rubbed her side face on Andrea's neck and softly said, "I don't, as long as you don't mind."

"Did you try new things at night? You know, with five-hundred-plus women at your beck and call, you should have experimented, right?"

Yasenia chuckled and surprisingly said, "I didn't. I just had normal sex. Go to their room, give them my Yang energy once, and leave. I didn't do anything more."

The three of them blinked, surprised. Evelyn asked, "You didn't even bathe them?"

Yasenia shook her head, "How could I do that? Although it is hypocritical on my part since I'm having sex with them already, I wanted to have the least contact possible with them. The kisses were far in between, and I never used toys, I never used my mouth, I didn't even spend one on one time with them..."

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