Chapter 277. Kali's first time. (5)

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Yasenia read the book extremely fast. Her brain spun as it absorbed all the knowledge in close to no time. She had already read the theory, so she was memorizing the most basic procedure at that moment.

Although Yasenia wouldn't be able to understand the complex parts, her extremely powerful comprehension abilities made it so she could read, understand, and internalize the first chapters.

She found the basic treatment to reduce the efficiency of the Yang energy with Yin energy and focused on it.

The book focused on treating Yang with Yin and vice versa. These treatments varied a lot, so although they could be summed up in a sentence, the book had many different procedures within.

Yasenia turned Kali over, placing her on her back. The fox was limp, so she had no problems in moving her around. Then she took out a set of 81 needles.

They were kept in a cloth roll, ordered from the smallest to her left to the longest on her right.

Yasenia unrolled it and observed them. Each was very thin, and their length varied from seven to fifteen centimeters.

They were divided into batches of nine, each group increasing the length by one centimeter. The group of fifteen-centimeter needles was different since she had a total of eighteen compared to the other groups of nine.

The color of all the needles was black, again, with the last eighteen being different. The eighteen biggest needles were divided into two groups—a set of golden needles and another set of silver needles.

For this procedure, she needed a total of eighteen needles. Since she was treating her overwhelming Yang energy, Yasenia used the silver needles to guide it with her Ying energy. She used a total of four silver needles, and the rest were black.

With everything prepared, Yasenia began to work. The world around Yasenia disappeared as her golden slit eyes thinned and focused on the woman before her. Her energy flowed in harmony, and her hands and heart were steady.

Her hand moved slowly yet smoothly, and picked the black needles. She coated them in pure energy and approached her naked chest. Then, the first needle pierced above her left breast slowly until it hit the acupuncture point.

These points were nodes inside the cultivator's body that helped the meridians circulate the energy in complex patterns. Therefore, damaging these acupuncture points may result in considerable amounts of damage.

Some special acupuncture points were located in sensitive parts like the brain, heart, dantian, and many more. These points could mean death if something broke them with accuracy. However, one must be extremely knowledgeable of someone's body to pierce these with precision.

As previously mentioned, Yasenia had studied medicine and anatomy in the past, so it wasn't difficult for her to sense them.

Right now, the difficulty of her task was the same as following a somewhat complicated cooking recipe. If she fucked up, it would end up very badly, but the recipe was very detailed, so unless she were distracted, it would be hard to mess up.

As the needles pierced Kali's skin, she revolved her Yin energy and slowly inserted it inside of her.

The dragoness used this energy to counter the Yang energy inside Kali.

Since she was treating energy problems, Yasenia needed to pierce them in the dantian area. Some sweat accumulated on Yasenia's nose as she moved her hand. She was slowly approaching the first silver fifteen-centimeter needle toward the dantian area.

If that book resulted in being a scam or something, she would be effectively crippling Kali. However, her thoughts only lingered there for a second and continued forward. 'Although doubting is good, I haven't seen a single misleading treasure in the town. All the things we bought were legitimate, so it would be extremely bad luck for this book not to be.'

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