Chapter 204. Death Empress vs Demon Empress. (3)

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The Demon Empress looked around at the army surrounding her with a disdainful expression. "You are sending this trash to attack me? Foolish creatures! Let me show you how meaningless it is."

The Demon Empress punched the air toward a place with a dense amount of troops, and an enormous shockwave sped forward, getting exponentially bigger until it covered hundreds of kilometers.


A big chunk of the army exploded into white dust, leaving a gaping hole in the army formation. The Demon Empress looked around with a mocking smirk, "Pathetic."

Tatyana looked at the battle situation even if she was absorbing the hurricane-like energy vortex. She frowned after seeing the strength of the Demon Empress punch and thought. 'They are too weak even to buy time... I will also have to buff them.'

Because she was still at the beginning of her energy gathering, she could move around and use some skills. The process, energy patterns through her meridians and dantian were not too complex at the moment, so with her overwhelming mental processing ability, she double casted, channeling another skill without interrupting the first one.

The Demon Empress saw part of Tatyana's energy hurricane separating and rushing to the sky. She really wanted to interrupt it, but after the previous beating she received, she was much more cautious because she knew that being impatient may put her at a disadvantage faster than she could react to.

Tatyana's skill sunk the space in that area as green-black smog leaked from the space cracks, carrying an aura that would make any living being shudder with fear. Then, Tatyana's aura pierced upward, hitting the middle of the spatial depression, blowing a hole in reality. From it, a mountain-sized ominous gate appeared and fell to the earth, causing an enormous earthquake.

The gate had countless grey-colored agonizing faces across the doorframe, and the door itself was made of an obsidian-like material but filled with cracks and dull, making it appear ancient. There were various sculptures of scenes that deciphered the end of life in all kinds of ways.

The Demon Empress observed the gate without knowing what it was, making her uneasy. For someone as old as her, not knowing what something was, was extremely scary. Especially when it was something summoned by her opponent, so her wariness only increased.

Tatyana had used a skill called [Underworld Gate]. The skill summoned a mountain-sized gate behind her that literally led to the underworld, fusing the living and dead world. It was a skill that went against the Heavenly Order and shouldn't even be able to exist. However, Tatyana's comprehension level of the death and fate laws made it possible for her to deceive the Heavens themselves and summon it.

Nonetheless, the previous tribulation clouds gathering on top of Tatyana became even thicker, like a black shadow looming over Tatyana, flickering with multicolored lightning that could easily flatten mountain ranges.

Tatyana continued using a part of her energy vortex and summoned the green-black-colored skeletal hands from her true aura. Then, her voice echoed around with regal authority. "World of the dead, descend to the living. [Underworld Gate]."

Then, she manifested the hands of the aura manifestation and pushed it open.

With a creaking sound that made the earth tremble, the aura of the underworld spread in the living world with exponential speed. All beings in the surroundings that still remained alive and were nearby died with a single touch of the aura seeping through those doors, and their souls got sucked into the abyss, never to come back.

The more the [Underworld gate] opened, the easier it was to hear the countless anguished tones of the souls on the other side, like a macabre melody of death and decadence. Before the Demon Empress realized what was going on, the land in more than 100 000 km around had died and become a place filled with the energies of the underworld. The range was so wide that it consumed nearby towns, cities, and other places filled with life.

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