Chapter 381. Plans for the near future. [Void Soul Purifying Tear].

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Evelyn looked at Yasenia and smiled while caressing her face. "Well, let's talk about what we've learned."

Yasenia exhaled comfortably and nodded. "Go ahead."

Evelyn and the others told Yasenia about the powers in the city, upcoming events, and the value of Transmuted items. Yasenia listened attentively, retraining all the information and creating a power hierarchy in her head.

After listening to everything, Yasenia got thoughtful ."Besides the auction, are there any other noteworthy events?"

Evelyn nodded. "Yes, he mentioned it in the passing, but there is a tournament in a nearby city only a month from now. It appears to be a tournament for juniors. How about it, interested?"

Yasenia shook her head. "It wouldn't be wise to participate in the tournament. We can build a reputation quickly, but we'll also lose some mysteriousness surrounding us. We'll be dancing with danger a bit in the future, so we can't leave any clues that allow people to measure our general strength."

Andrea said. "So, we forget about it?"

Yasenia shook her head. "No. We should go as spectators. We can understand a lot about the strength of the juniors in the Continent that way. We are considered recently graduated juniors in the Sky Continent, but I guess it isn't like that here."

Tatyana chuckled. "You are giving yourself a little too much credit, little treasure. With the Transcendent Realm Experts roaming the Sky Continent, only Dantian Spiritualization Realm experts have the right to create any sort of institution, and that's taking into account that they must be willing to be under a major power as long as any of them become interested."

Yasenia sighed. "I see."

Tatyana said softly. "Now it's even worse. After the invasion of the Demons, businesses that can't face a low-level Demon Monarch are bound to meet catastrophe eventually."

Yasenia and the others sighed. "I hope we aren't that powerless in this Continent."

Valeria commented with confidence. "You aren't. I've been scanning the living beings in this city, and I can tell that strength-wise, you girls are in the top one hundred."

Yasenia and the others nodded. Angel asked curiously. "How would we fare against the top experts?"

Valeria shook her head. "We'll warn you about them, so don't offend them. At the moment, you only have enough strength to run away."

Evelyn commented. "Well, leaving aside that conversation, I think we should participate in that auction event. Although it will happen one and a half months from now, it shouldn't be too inconvenient."

Kali asked. "What about the merchant Jorey?"

Yasenia commented. "As long as I tell her about our intentions, I think she should help us. She has become quite fond of me, after all."

The others looked at Yasenia strangely. Yasenia felt a shiver and said. "I don't know what you are thinking about, but I don't have anything to do with her!"

The others chuckled, and Evelyn took out a piece of raw meat. "Look here, dear~. Do you want a treat?"

Yasenia saw the dangling piece of raw meat dripping with blood and licked her lips.

Jorey's piece of meat was very delicious. Yasenia sniffed it for a bit, and after confirming that it smelled good, she opened her maw.

Evelyn excitedly fed Yasenia, and the others saw Yasenia's jaws closing and munching the raw meat. Yasenia squinted, "Yummy~. Almost as good as cooked meat. It is like a juicy piece of candy that melts in the mouth."

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