Chapter 279. Entering the Trial.

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Han Xue saw the miserable appearance of those five and asked, surprised, "What happened?"

Yasenia answered calmly, "They tried to peek. So I let them whiff my mating scent. I don't recommend keeping them since they will become sexual deviants the moment they come to their senses."

Yasenia placed a hand on their wrists and inserted her energy. After doing a basic analysis, Yasenia commented calmly, "As I thought, their minds have broken because of pleasure. They won't be able to think of anything else besides sexual pleasure for the rest of their lives. However, since they will be unable to reach the heights my scent caused, they will probably become a lunatic. Dispose of them as you like."

Han Xue gulped. She had tasted Yasenia's scent potency herself. But it seemed that what she experienced was a very controlled amount. 'Thankfully, Yasenia was gentle with me, or I would have been in a lot of trouble. Even then, she caused the biggest orgasm of my life... She is a little scary when you think about it.'

Yasenia saw Han Xue's reactions and reassured her, "Don't worry, Han Xue. You won't end up like these two. What you experienced was an extremely controlled amount. I wouldn't go destroying people's minds because of small conflicts."

The Mayoress thought, 'Isn't spying on you a small conflict? You literally went to a public bath!'

She was correct. But showing their naked figures in a public bath or how they have sex is completely different. Moreover, if it was just Yasenia who they spied on, she wouldn't have reacted, but they included Angel and Kali in their "small" blunder, resulting in a result they won't ever be able to escape from.

She is too cruel? You are right, but that's Yasenia when people mess with her lovers in a way that rubs her badly.

Han Xue got over it quickly and sighed, "It is a shame since one of them was a maid directly under me. But this is what they get for defying my orders. Although I don't support what you did, I won't discuss right or wrong."

Yasenia nodded and commented. "I'm going to enter the special Trial now. Inform Kali and Angel when they wake up. I've cleaned the whole room, so it is safe for mortals to enter."

Han Xue nodded and asked shyly, "Can I get a hug before you enter?"

Yasenia smiled and gathered her in her embrace. She was a head taller than Han Xue, so she could surround the woman nicely and snuggly. "Thanks for all your help, Han Xue. I hope you take care of them while I'm away."

Han Xue rubbed her face on Yasenia's smooth skin and nodded. She was feeling pure bliss at that moment and would have accepted almost any request. 'I feel like a young girl when I'm with her~.'

Yasenia felt her actions and found her cute. She teased her a little, "A grown woman acting like this~. You are very cute, madam Mayoress~."

Han Xue looked up while blushing and reprimanded coquettishly, "Who are you calling cute!? It is your fault for feeling this good."

Yasenia laughed and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. "Let's go, I want to leave before they wake up."

Han Xue didn't release the hug and asked, "Why? Don't you want to say goodbye?"

Yasenia smiled wryly, "If I see their faces when I have to leave, it will be difficult. I'm very weak to their demands, after all."

Han Xue laughed aloud. "You pamper them too much! You have to be more dominant to be a harem head~."

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow, "I dominate them enough at night. I think giving them control during the day is good enough."

Han Xue left her arms and coughed, "Let's go before you make me do things I shouldn't. Truly, you are like a lethal delicacy for mortals. Dangerous, dangerous."

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