Chapter 296. Fu Jing Jing vs Full Strength [Day and Night]

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When she activated [Day and Night Cycle], everything seemed to stop for a moment.

At that moment, as Yasenia activated her berserk skill, the whole area around her fell under the dragoness's influence. The abundant energy rushing toward her concentrated, and then, everything exploded outward in a massive aura explosion.

The strength of the aura burst was so high that it ripped apart the crystal from the ground and the surrounding area of 200 meters, lifting everything in a wave of dirt, crystal, and rocks. The effect was similar to an asteroid smashing the place where Yasenia was.

Fu Jing Jing currently had strength similar to a mid-level normal Unification Realm cultivator, so since the beginning, although careful, she wasn't really worried.

However, the moment Yasenia appeared in front of her barrier, her eyes completely silver, her body coated in a long white body-hugging dress, and her sword glowing with a chilling light, she knew that she had misjudged Yasenia's current strength by a serious amount.

Yasenia's chilling voice echoed in the surroundings. "[Crescent Moon]."

Fu Jing Jing made a split-second decision to reinforce the shield surrounding the ritual.


The shield created and enforced by the Saint bent inwards as an enormous chunk of the forest outside exploded into particles. After Yasenia's sword hit the dome, it seemed to have retreated, allowing the dragon to walk forward.

Fu Jing Jing felt the impact much harder this time, which made her eyes widen again. 'Impossible! How can she have so much strength? Not even a genius from the Divine Heavens can grow so much in such a small window of time!'

As Yasenia prepared to attack again, Fu Jing Jing looked at the ritual, and her heart trembled. There were cracks on the crystal coffin! 'I only need two more days!'

Yasenia also spotted them, and her smile became wild. "You lasted one sword strike. Let's see if you can take the second one. [Dragon Authority]!"

If her previous strength wasn't enough, Fu Jing Jing's horror grew as the dragoness's aura multiplied one more time.

When Yasenia was about to charge toward the healing dome, Fu Jing Jing's calm voice stopped her in her tracks.

"If you swing one more time, I will kill her. There is no meaning in keeping her alive if I can't pass down my inheritance. If you are so eager to destroy my life's achievements, go ahead. However, the price to pay will be her life. "

Yasenia looked at Fu Jing Jing's calm face with gritted teeth. 'Again! Someone comes in my way when I try to save them.'

Yasenia looked at Fu Jing Jing and then smiled, "Do you think you are in control of the situation?"

Fu Jing Jing didn't flinch and said, "Junior, you can't bluff against me. I'm someone that has seen even the truth about the Heavens themselves. I'm a saint, unlike those false ones you have met. My strength in my peak goes much further than what you can currently imagine."

Yasenia shook her head, "But you aren't what you were. You are just a speck of your real self. Worn down by the merciless time, your soul integrity right now is like broken pieces of a jar glued together, leaking its content each second that goes by."

Fu Jing Jing internally frowned as a bad feeling crept up in her heart, 'Hm? She shouldn't be able to feel Soul integrity at her level. That is something only Low-level Dantian Spiritualization Realm experts can perceive. Don't tell me...'

Yasenia didn't speak anymore and acted. "[Day and Night cycle: Sky Prison]."

With her words, [Day and Night] suddenly changed. The phantom night sky that covered almost a whole kilometer shrunk in barely a tenth of a second, surrounding Fu Jing Jing.

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