Chapter 359. Tatyana's knowledge and participation with the Spirit Nature Elves.

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They all stayed silent, looking at what Valeria had to say. She suddenly opened her eyes and exclaimed, "Right! His death also created a World protection formation. Although they wouldn't be able to leave, no one should be able to enter the World without the permission of his descendants. Moreover, its strength was extremely high since it was created via his sacrifice."

Tatyana snorted. "What a good guy he was. He made them lose their strongest person and built a nice cage for them to be unable to escape."

Valeria's face fell again. Then, she sighed with a defeated look. What Tatyana said was true, and she wouldn't be childish and refute it. 'To think that your death would be so tragic. Thankfully, you will never know, and you were able to reincarnate peacefully.

Kali saw that Valeria was sad, and she hugged her tightly.

Valeria felt the small arms surrounding her as well as two fluffy tails circling her waist, which made her look down and see Kali's worried face. This snapped her out of her thoughts and made her regain her usual gentle face.

Valeria's eyes softened, and she caressed her scarred cheek. "Don't worry, Kali. Something like this can't corrupt me."

Kali was doubtful. "Are you sure?"

Valeria nodded and lowered her head to kiss her forehead. "Yes. I'm a Spirit of Nature, so I don't have things like Heart Demons. However, we can always become corrupted. That happens when we experience strong negative emotions and change from Spirits to Phantasms or Corrupted Spirits. Of course, the negative feelings must be very deep for it to happen. Moreover, It is very rare for a developed Spirit to corrupt as it happens when young spirits experience a particularly strong negative situation when they are still young and inexperienced."

Angel asked curiously. "Phantasms? I've never heard of them. What is the difference with a spirit?"

Valeria answered. "The difference is that Phantasms usually are extremely violent and aggressive against everything. Also, the intelligence is much lower. They are like beasts that haven't developed completely."

While explaining, she suddenly remembered Tatyana's previous strangeness. She turned toward her and asked. "What happened to the World? Did the formation manage to protect it?"

They looked at Tatyana, and after they observed her cold red eyes, they almost knew the answer. "No. The Divines managed to break into the World about three thousand years ago. Sadly, there hasn't been anyone as strong as him since then. The battle was one-sided, and it has fallen."

Valeria looked at Tatyana with a face filled with shock. "How...?"

Tatyana looked at her and completed her sentence. "How do I know? Well, that's because I made a deal with the Divines at that time."

Valeria's heart sank as Tatyana said calmly. "In exchange for gaining control of the powerful tomb in my Sky Continent, I would help them decipher a formation. Sadly, opening powerful tombs from past experts sometimes releases a lot of energy. That kind of energy release is quite special, so it can be felt from extremely far away. They had their eyes on it, so I made a deal with them."

Tatyana continued. "Although I don't like Divines, they keep their word as long as you make a deal with them. It took me almost a century, but I managed to do it and decipher what they gave me."

Tatyana looked at Valeria and commented. "You should've guessed what that formation was."

Valeria didn't even have to answer; it was obvious. Tatyana sighed. "Later, I knew that this formation was a small part of a World Protecting array, not that I cared at that moment. With that knowledge, it seemed that their own formation masters managed to crack it open. Moreover, their conquest was more brutal than normal since they were defeated once. It was a worldwide annihilation."

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