Chapter 08 : To BreAk or To Give A chAnce ??

Start from the beginning

-C'mon Rahaf, he won't kill you, enter now.

Due to her frustrating face, I knocked the door and came in the office

-Good Morning. I said  when I was near enough for him to hear.

He put the pen on the table, and just stared at my face for a while, his eyes were fixing me, I tried to avoid any eye contact with him so I just lowered my gaze.  After what felt like an eternity, he finally said :

-What's on your face ?

My eyes widened, I was surprised or more precisely chocked, what kind of question is this and what should I say, how am I supposed to answer him.

-Hmm, it's a makeup....

 I definitely sounded uncertain and not sure, obviously I don't understand what he wants and means with this question.

-Of course it's, I can see that, but what is under it ?  What's your makeup hiding?

Now I was really chocked and pissed off, what's his problem ??  Why is he asking me these questions?? This has nothing to do with him, there is no rule that forbid putting make up for work  and I didn't put much so how did he notice it ?

-I don't understand what you mean .  I said, trying to look confused which I was by his questions.

-Don't play dumb or idiot to me, you never put any makeup, I can see very well what  you're trying to hide, it's so clear to me, the bruises, so why are you hiding them Miss Brini ?  Too scared or too ashamed from the truth?


Then I said nothing, how did he know ? How could he see it ? Is it possible that Clara had told him ?

-Did Clara, I mean Mrs. Brown Told you ? ( WHY DID I SAY THAT !! )

He looked annoyed and angry at me, as if I asked a silly question or humiliate him.

-No, your makeup did .  He answered in a firm yet a calm tone

I stood there in front of him, not knowing what I should say, should I explain to him, tell him what happened or not, my legs were shaking, I was confused , scared and a bit angry, I don't really know what to do. His eyes are still fixed on me, he didn't say a word for like five minutes, so he's really waiting for me to say something, but what to say, it's none of his business.

I eventually opened my mouth and talked and I wish if I hadn't

-He was drunk.

My words  made his face change, he was angry before, but never like this, I am terrified now .


 He talked so loud, it's the first time that he actually loses control, even when he's angry or pissed off,  he always control his tone; his emotions, he comes back to being calm so quick but not today.  He stood from his chair, grabbed a glass of water and drank it all at once, put the glass back in its place then he turned to me and said :

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now