Chapter 20: Limit

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Parker: "Well, I got a specific surprise for you, and I was wondering if you could wear a tank top under your hoodie today?"

Interesting request, ma'am, and I have the perfect response for it! What I wasn't expecting was Parker volleying back with me when she said our time after class was close enough to a date. Could she even see me in that way? No... She wouldn't... I'm damaged goods... No one could ever want someone like me. I shook those thoughts, and we continued our short text conversation. Parker mentioned she would get me more concealer, which was nice. I wished I could keep texting her, but Victoria came out, dressed, and was ready to leave. When she walked into the kitchen, I said goodbye to my professor.

The drive to the university was annoying because Jewel picked us up, and the whole ride was filled with Victoria making fun of me with her friend. I tried to ignore them by thinking about what Parker and I might talk about after class. Just the thought of her makes me feel safe. My first class was decent; the lesson was elementary, and I mainly focused on my homework to help make the time pass more rapidly. After it was over, Victoria was already outside the door, waiting for me.

When I got within arm's reach of her, she gripped my arm and dragged me along. Not only did it hurt, but the pace she moved made my lower region ache. It's still so damn sore down there... it feels bruised too... As we got closer, I saw the familiar long deep red locks of a certain someone, and I already felt better. Just knowing she is near me helps so goddamn much. The moment our eyes locked, I could see she didn't like what she saw, how Victoria handled me. So, without looking anywhere else but into her eyes, I gave a slight nod and smiled.

It's okay, Parker.

Once class started, Parker took roll, collected our homework assignments, and began the lesson. The most significant part that I remember is her advice when drawing anatomy. I'll definitely keep that in mind when I do it. Eventually, she passed out our classwork and new project specifications, giving us the rest of the class to complete. I wrote my name on the paper and attempted to fill in the correct answers, but of course, I did it all wrong on purpose.

Occasionally, I would glance at Parker, and our eyes would meet. I wonder if she can feel it when I look at her. Beside me, I could see Victoria rushing through her answers, and when she saw my struggle, she was overjoyed, snickering at me. When the class was almost over, Parker told us it was her tutor day, and those of us who didn't finish the classwork needed to stay and finish it; everyone else could leave. I wonder who will accompany us for tutoring.

As soon as Victoria left, I completely relaxed and noticed a few of my fellow students remained in their seats, finishing the assignment. I couldn't help but watch as Parker got up from her desk and retrieved Kenneth's paper. I swear he's only worried about football; I never saw him do his work or even turn in projects whenever we had classes. I concentrated on accurately zooming through my worksheet and finishing it. Not too much later, I heard my classmates say goodbye to Parker; the second we were completely alone, she asked me, "You doing okay?"

I looked up from my paper, smiled, and replied, "I am now, yes."

"What about your pain and—" She began to ask, but the classroom door had opened, stopping her.

Parker and I turned our attention to the door, seeing that two familiar students had entered. I remember them from before... but I forgot their names... I was a bit surprised when they both sat next to me. I observed them as they unpacked their bags and pulled out their projects. The girl, who always seemed happy, faced me and said, "Hey there! My name is Teresa; it's nice to meet you."

With her hand reaching out to me, I placed mine in hers and completed the handshake as I replied, "Likewise, I'm Bailey."

"Oh, and I'm Elliott," The guy had added with a cheerful tone, which made all of us laugh because I hadn't spoken to him yet, and he decided to greet me anyway. They seem really nice, and I don't sense any darkness in them. Plus, Parker is here, and I do feel safe... Now that I think about it, I've really missed talking with my classmates.

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