𝟮𝟮 𝘈 𝘚𝘭𝘪𝘱 𝘖𝘧 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘦

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TW: Alcohol consumption

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TW: Alcohol consumption.

[Burning Pile - Mother Mother]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Thank god, today isn't about me. For a lot of people in the compound, today is one of the biggest days of the year. Apart from the star of the show herself, Eden. A week before today, she told me that she absolutely hates her birthday, not wanting the added attention. This surprised me, considering she is the daughter of the famous Tony Stark, who is known for making everyone's eyes turn to look at him as he enters a room. But, I made a promise to her that I would have nothing to do with whatever plans the group had for her birthday. Which I kept, but now on the day of her birthday, I feel guilty after Steve and Sam told me that there was a surprise birthday party for her. I told them that Eden wouldn't like it, but they insisted that she had in the past. I can't exactly speak about that considering that I wasn't at any of the previous parties, but from what I know about Eden, she probably just got drunk and tried to hide away at the bar until the end of the night. I have full faith that she will do that tonight, but I've made a promise to myself that I will try with all my might to make this night at least bearable for her.

A few minutes before the party begins, or the time Tony gave Eden to arrive so she's fashionably late, I walk over to her bedroom. Steve and Sam got me changed for the party on the memo that I need to look presentable. They were quite suspicious of why I was taking this so seriously, but I told them that this would be the first time anyone would be seeing me with the team and I wanted to make a good impression. Secretly, I wanted Eden to look good with me on her side. So, I wore my best black jeans and a black button-up shirt. Basic and easy, but Eden told me that I look the best in black. I knock on her door and install Eden opens it. She is adoring a silver dress, hanging down to the top of her knees. It's a spaghetti strap dress and holds onto her curves perfectly.


"I'll take that as a compliment." She smirks. "You look good too."

"Uh, thank you."

"Is it time for my arrival?" Her voice drips with sarcasm.

"In a minute, but first." I walk into her room. "I wanted to give you this."

"Bucky, I said no gifts."

"I know, but I saw this before you said that and I couldn't not give it to you."

I pass her a black, leather box, not wrapped but without a logo on it. She suspiciously looks up at me, but I don't say anything, instead stand there, waiting for her to open it. When she does, she gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. Inside the box, sits a silver necklace, a star hanging on the end of the chain. She pulls the necklace from its pillow, holding it in her hands. I grab it from her palm and walk to stand behind her. I pull her curled hair onto one of her shoulders and clasp the necklace behind her neck. She stands in front of the mirror for a while, staring at the star on the end.

"Why the star?" She asks.

"From that night on my balcony," I speak nervously. "It was the first time that I realised what I was feeling was true. That night, even though it was so simple, was one of the best times here."

She turns around, looking up at me with slight tears in the corners of her eyes. When she sees the sincerity of my message, she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. I instantly kiss her back, feeling her lipstick smudge against my lips. When she pulls back, her lipstick was indeed smudged and she had to touch it up before we leave. She passed me a tissue, and I wipe away the lip gloss from around my lips. Grabbing her hand, I walk her out of her room, guiding her to the elevator where I leave her. It would be extremely suspicious if I turned up to the party holding her hand and with a huge blush on both of my cheeks.


For the past 2 hours, Eden has been bombarded with new acquaintances and hugs from strangers. She has gone through glass after glass and it's finally showing its effects. On the dance floor, surrounded by a group of strangers, she dances with me. I'm completely out of my comfort zone, but I'm doing this for Eden. Well, actually that's a lie. It is fun being around her and seeing her let loose after the evident stress she was feeling about this party. It isn't a dance like everyone else is doing around us. They all seem to be gyrating against each other, which I wouldn't be opposed to doing with her, but it wouldn't be smart to do that with her father in the room. Her arms are wrapped around my neck and my hands are on her waist, both of us jumping up and down to the beat of the song.

When the song stops, Eden walks off the dance floor, holding my hand and pulling me towards the bar. As we approach it, I let go of her hand, walking slightly away from her as she sits in front of Nat, who stands behind the bar, and next to Wanda who is nursing water. I don't want to bombard her, but she is slowly slipping into the realm of drunkness, so I keep my eye on her.

"Hey!" Nat is clearly drunk. "How are you enjoying that party?"

"It's alright, dancing was fun. I just wish we were doing something else." Eden slurs.

"Like what?" Wanda asks.

"I want to watch a movie with Bucky."

"With Bucky?" Natasha questions. "Are you guys friends?"

"Sure!" My eyes follow the conversation as Eden speaks.

"Sure?" Wanda laughs. "What do you mean sure?"

"We have to be only friends with you guys."

I jump up from my seat, zooming over to Eden. I know it's risky being the one to walk her away from the conversation, but no one else will. I don't blame her for letting this slip, but I need to stop it before she will regret it in the morning. Both Nat and Wanda's eyes are trained on me as I stand behind Eden, placing my hand on her back secretly.

"I think I'm going to take her to bed, she's pretty drunk," I explain.

"Are you sure?" Nat's eyebrows are raised. "We can do it."

"No, I'll do it. I'm done with this party anyway. You guys enjoy the rest of your night."

I walk Eden away from the bar, very cautious of the many eyes on us from around the room. But, at the moment my entire mind is focused on Eden. I need to get her to bed before she makes another mistake. We can talk about this in the morning, but at the moment I'm practically sweating with the overbearing doom.

We're fucked.


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