𝟮𝟬 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘒𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴

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TW: Secret relationship

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TW: Secret relationship.

[Wind Beneath My Wings - Paul Canning]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Another mission down and even more injuries to add to my never-ending list of pain. This time, it wasn't that bad, but it was scary. My life wasn't on the line, instead, it was Steve. With Tony having to help Tony with the information, being that there was so much to gather, Steve had to step up and become the leader of this mission. He gave all of us our roles, and we followed them with perfection. But, Steve was caught in the crossfire when a gang of guards held onto him. Luckily, he is skilled enough that he fought his way out, but we all fear for him. There was a moment when I was truly scared for his life. I didn't know if he was going to make it out alive. But, using his shield, his muscles, and the motivation from the fear, he made it out with his body littered with scars and bruises.

The jet ride home was silent, no one awake enough to speak. The only voice coming from Bruce as he called out that we were home. When we landed, the roof was empty. The night sky made it hard to see our path to the door, but we all made it. All I want right now is to shower and fall onto my bed. I can hear my bed calling my name as I ride up the elevator with Steve. When we make it to our shared level, we walk silently to our rooms, sighing as we close the doors behind us. My body tightens when I hear a shifting movement coming from my bed, but I instantly relax when I realise that it is Eden. She sits crossed-legged in the centre of my bed, placing her phone down on the sheets when she hears me enter the room. I walk over to her, sitting on the end of the bed, and my back falls down beside her.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, this mission wasn't that bad."

"I heard about Steve." She frowns. "Is he okay?"

"More shaken up than anything." I close my eyes. "I think it scared everyone. Even your dad looked nervous."

"Well, that doesn't help with my nerves." She says sarcastically, yet I can hear the truth behind it. "Not to sound rude, but you stink. Were you planning on showering?"

"Actually, I was." I sit up. "That was until I was interrupted by you."

"Well, excuse me for caring."

"Thank you, I accept your apology." I stand up.

"You're welcome." She smiles.

"I'm going to shower," I lean down to kiss her. "Where will you be?"

"Here," She leans back. "Waiting for that smell to leave you."

"Smell?" I'm taken aback. "I'm not that bad."

"Yes, you are. Step back, Terminator. I'm not kissing you while you have grime on your face."

"How dare you! I would kiss you when you have dirt on your face."

"Well," She laughs. "You're gross."

"Wow!" I walk over to my bathroom. "I see how it is."

"Have fun!" She sings.

I strip out of my tactical gear, dropping it onto the floor without care. Whilst the water is heating up, I grab a towel, hanging it over the metal bar strapped to the wall. I jump under the nozzle, letting the water drip down my body for several minutes until I build up enough energy to wash my body. Soap suds fall from my shoulders down to my ankles, swimming into the drain. I shampoo and conditioner my hair, not bothering to let it sit, just washing it out quickly so I can get back to bed. I turn off the shower, wrap the towel around my waist and leave my bathroom. As she promised, Eden is still sitting on my bed, doing something on her phone that makes her laugh with the most beautiful sound. She doesn't look up as I get changed into some red pants and a white tank top. I walk over to the bed after turning off the lights, the only light in the room coming through the curtains from the moon. Eden follows my movements as we pull the covers back and slip under them. I lay on my back and she cautiously places her head on my chest. I appreciate her wariness, but we've gotten to a point where we are pretty much fully comfortable with each other. I wrap my arm around her body, pulling her further around me. I kiss the crown of her head, and she smiles against my chest. Just before we both fall into a deep slumber, she leans up, kissing my lips. The kiss is brief, but we can both hear the unspoken words the other is telling them.

I think I'm falling for you.


The sun beams through the curtains, forcing my eyes to open. I lean over and look at my alarm clock, seeing that the time is 5:12. We have to be careful, Steve is going to wake up soon and go for his early morning run. We have to time this extremely well if we don't want to get caught, and we really can't. I don't want to wake Eden up, but I know she would want both of us to be up and out before anyone can see us. So, I lightly shake her body, her shifting in my hold. Her body slowly rises from my chest, and when she comes around, seeing that she is in my room, she smiles down at me.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." She beams.

"We have to get you back to your room before someone sees us."

"I know," She sighs. "I really don't want to leave this bed. How comes yours is so much more comfortable than mine?"

"I don't know, Wanda picked out everything for my room."

"Ahh," Something clicks in her head. "Wanda has another secret power when it comes to designing rooms."

I don't know if I should tell her since I don't want to come across as ungrateful, but I would have no idea that the bed is so comfortable. My usual bed is on the wooden floor, with a blanket and pillows from the top of this bed. All the extra material is tucked under my bed and at night, I pull it out, lying on it until morning. Or after I have a nightmare and I go to the gym to sweat off all the memories plaguing my mind. I don't think I'm ready to spill those secrets to Eden just yet. We are doing so well at the moment and I don't want to spoil it. Everything good for me suddenly turns rotten.

Eden slips out from my bed and grabs her phone from my bedside table, waiting for me to stretch and follow her out the door. We sneak out through the hallways and into her room. I've only been in here once, when, Eden, Steve, and I came in here to listen to music and hang out with each other. I instantly noticed that her bedroom is clean, too clean like she doesn't use it that much. I was suspicious but I never asked. Eden walks into her closet and gets changed for the day. I wait for her to be finished, and when she walks out, I pull her in for a quick goodbye kiss. She smiles against my lips and pulls away with an even bigger smile. I keep my hands on her for a while until I absolutely have to let go, shutting the door behind me with only one thought on my mind.

I think I'm falling for you.


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