30 - miracle

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Jihyun leaned on her hand as she looked around the cafe and realised she was surrounded by couples. She sighed before minding her own business again but stopped when someone tapped on her table.

"What are you doing here alone?" Heeseung chuckled as he looked at her. Her attention moved to the guy and smiled,

"Doing my works and realised I've chosen the wrong cafe." Jihyun said as she pointed at her laptop and shrugged her shoulders before looking around to show her point to Heeseung.

He finally got what she meant, "Then I should company you, I guess." He said and took a seat in front of her.

"Do you want anything to drink? My treats." Jihyun offered.

"You don't have to, I'm good."

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Heeseung asked.

Jihyun nodded as a response, "Sure." She cleaned her stuffs before stood.

"How's you and Eunsoo now?" Jihyun started a topic making Heeseung pursed his lips together before answering, "I let her go, as I should." Heeseung chuckles at his last words.

"Why? You loved her for years. I'm sure it'll be so hard." Jihyun frowned and continue walking.

"If you love the person more than anything else, you should do anything for their own happiness sake."

"Eunsoo belongs to Jay."

"Her heart belongs to him."

"They belong to each other. They met again for a reason." Heeseung emphasised before glancing at the frowned girl next to him.

"You're too kind. I hate you." Jihyun said jokingly making Heeseung smiles.

"I hate myself too but who cares? She's happy, I'm happy."

"Hee.." Jihyun called him.

"Sometimes we can't have what we wanted even the efforts we've done are out of anyone could imagine. It just a life lesson for you. Maybe happiness will come to you but not for now? I'm sure it'll come." Jihyun patted his shoulder before rubbing it, trying to comfort him from shedding tears.

Slowly as they walked, Heeseung could feel a warm tear brushes his cheek making the girl next to him quickly faced him. Jihyun doesn't hesitate to pull him into a hug since there was only few people around them. She hugged him softly as Heeseung quietly bursting into tears. She patted his back, whether trying to calm him down from crying or let him letting out what he has kept in his heart.

"Let it out, Hee. Let it all out. I'm here now."
She said as she rubbing his back also patting his head gently.

Usually, Heeseung would update about him and Eunsoo were doing like how their friendship has gone far now. He was excited when Eunsoo agreed to hang out at his house. Jihyun wondered why he doesn't confessed after all these years of being Eunsoo's closest friend. After Heeseung found out that Eunsoo will get married, Jihyun no longer heard about his stories or updates. She always met him with dark circles under his eyes.

If Jay and Eunsoo really meant for each other, it will be more pain to Heeseung if he and Eunsoo were dating. She thought.

Jihyun slowly moved away from the hug to see his face. She smiled and softly wipes his tears with her thumb.

"You must ever wonder why I didn't confessed years ago." He smiles a little as Jihyun waited for him to continue.

"I was scared if one day I have to let go of Eunsoo as my lover and watch her happily with someone else. It better be letting her go as a friend more than a lover, right?" Jihyun stared at him in guilty.

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