68. Misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

“Oh, right! Rafa told me to tell you that he’s coming over later. He promised to look after you two. He’s taking care of some business in the north right now.” Dina said.

“Shit!” I exclaimed. There goes my plan to sneak out. 

“It’ll be fine, Toni. Manuel will wake up, and you’ll get to have your happily ever after.” Dina assured me. “I have to leave right now. My parents might get too worried. I’ll see you soon, yeah?” She said. 

“Yeah. It was great to see you. I really needed this.” Dina gave me a hug before she walked out of the house and towards her home.

Now I was alone again. I made a small snack for Dolores. Her voice was still raspy. She was hurting. I needed to be strong for her. 

Just like Dina said, Rafa would eventually come by and talk to Dolores a bit. I don’t know what they said, but it alerted him. Because he soon would come out the door looking extra worried.

“Everything alright?” I asked. He turned to me and gave me a small smile.

“Sure. It’s all good. Just go to bed. I’ll stay here for a while.” He said. I wanted to know more but he shooed me away to my room.

I sat in my room and was now even more bored. The most I could do was read a book. However, I had no desire to as of right. What I wanted to do was to talk to Mike. See him again and just tell him that I love him.

Lights were out. It was quiet. No sound was heard. And for a while, I was left in the dark and quiet, trying to imagine scenarios in my head. Until I heard the sound of an all too familiar taps.

The taps on the window. From the small stones.

My heart raced as I got up from bed and raced to the window. I opened it and saw Mike looking up at me. My eyes cried when I saw him.

“Michael!” I called to him.

“Antonio!” He called back. He stepped aside and let him climb in. He wore a jacket and had one of his hands in his jacket.

“Everything okay? I missed you. Look! I have my luggage ready! We can leave soon! And we can leave as soon as you’re ready!” I quickly told him. The light from the moon shone in, shining behind Mike’s back. Meanwhile, his front was dark. But I knew he was looking at me.

“I love you, Ant.” He softly said. 

“What’s wrong, Mike? You look like you want to cry.” I said. I stepped forward to him and put my hand on his face. He was a bit cold from the air outside. I stared into his eyes as he looked down at me.

“I’m sorry, Ant.” He said. In a swift motion, he pulled his hand out of his jacket and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at my chest, the tip hitting my chest.

“Wait! Mike! What are you doing?!” I quickly called out to him.

“They want me to do this, Ant. They want me to kill you. Or they’ll do it themselves. And these guys are vicious. I’m sorry, Ant.” He cried.

“Mike! Please, don’t do this! You can’t just do this after everything we’ve gone through. My brother is in the hospital over this! Don’t let it be over nothing! Think about it, Mike!” I quickly told him. He stared at me with crying eyes.

“I don’t want to lose you! That’s the last thing I want! I don’t know what to do, Ant!” Mike said. The gun was now shaky in his hands. I could disarm him, but that could cause him to become alerted and shoot me accidentally.

“Let’s think this through, my love. I’m sure we can come up with something.” I said. Mike looked up and saw me. His eyes were full of hurt. He can’t possibly shoot me.

“What do we do, then? If I don’t kill you soon, then they’ll come after you themselves.” He said. I put my hand on the gun and slowly lowered it down. 

Once the gun was far enough where it wouldn't shoot me, I reached forward with both hands and grabbed the gun from him. I set the gun to the side as Mike collapsed into my chest and cried his eyes out. 

“I can’t believe I almost shot you! Forgive me, Ant! You know I would never do it on purpose! I’d shoot myself before I shoot you.” He cried into my chest. I held him close as he let it all out.

“I missed you, Mike.” I said to him.

“I missed you too. It’s been a long, fucking day.” He said. 

“I have my stuff ready. It’s on the bed, see?” I pointed to my suitcase on the bed. 

“I kinda haven’t started packing yet. I just need to tie some loose strings up but I really don’t have anything special besides the stuff you gave me.” He said. 

“So what do we do about this, Mike? Do you have to do this?” I asked.

“Either I shoot you and get to say goodbye, or they come and torture you for hours, days maybe, and then kill you.”

“Well, how about you just shoot me in the leg or something-”

“No!” He cut me off. “I don’t want to even do that to you. It’ll be too much to see you in pain. I’d never forgive myself.” He said.

“You could just tell them you got a bad shot. Or that I survived. I’d rather you shoot me with good intentions.” He looked up at me. 

“It’s gonna hurt. Have you ever been shot?” He asked.

“I got jumped a few weeks ago by some Jewel but then an angel saved me.” I said. He blushed remembering that.

“If you insist. Then let’s do it. I’ll try to graze the bullet.” He said. We both stood up at the same time and faced each other. I reached for the gun I had set aside earlier and handed it to him. 

“You ready?” I asked him. He was nervous and was shaking the gun in his hand.

“I-I don’t know! What if Dolores wakes up?” He asked.

“We’ll figure that out when it happens.” I said. I hope Rafa is still gone after he left for an emergency. 

Mike clicked the gun. He was standing a few feet away from me, with the gun position to my leg. He swallowed hard while I tried to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t scream. 

“One the count of three.” I said.



“Three-” The door to my room opened.

“Antonio!” Rafa called out urgently. Mike became startled. He lifted the gun and shot the gun. It grazed my arm, leaving a big cut. It hurt badly. Rafa quickly ran and tackled Mike on the floor.

“You fucking bitch!” Rafa angrily yelled. Mike covered his head while Rafa got a few hits on Mike. 

“Rafa! Get off him!” I said. I went behind Rafa and tried pulling him off but he was too strong. Rafa’s elbow accidentally hit me in the face and I stumbled back. Mike saw this and became enraged. He managed to knock Rafa back and punched him back.

“Don’t! Hurt! Him!” Mike said. I heard noise and turned around to see Dolores standing there.

She was in shock as she witnessed two men fighting in my room. 

“Stop it!” I yelled. Both Mike and Rafa had stopped fighting and were breathing hard. I grabbed Mike by the shirt and led him to the window. “Run, Mike. Run!” I told him. He understood and gave me a kiss on the lips before grabbing the gun and jumping out the window.

Dolores went next to Rafa and on the floor and helped him up. 

“That’s it!” He grunted. He angrily walked to the living while we both followed him. 

“Don’t hurt him, Rafa! It was a misunderstanding!” I pleaded. 

“He was going to shoot you, Antonio.” He put on his jacket and was ready to leave.

“Where are you going?” Dolores asked from behind me.

“As of tonight, Michael Lexington is a dead man.” Rafa slipped out of the house and into the night. I turned to Dolores and hugged her as I tried not to cry.


<3 bye bye!

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