Episode 72 "The Dentist in the Ditch" Part 1

Start from the beginning

We finally arrive at the victims home as we get down from the car as Temp says, "Big house for a single man." I nod as Booth says, "Looks like he's doing some serious remodeling, huh?" I nod looking at the materials keeping them in mind as we go to the front door as Booth says, "Door's open. Hold on." He then takes out his gun as I follow behind him taking mine out as well as Temp stays close behind us as we hear an announcer on the tv, "Crowd today- 44,372. Fourth time that Baylor's been over 40,000 since a Big 12 school-" We go around the dinning room to the living room with the tv on as we turn the corner seeing someone sitting on the couch as Booth and I point our weapons at the man, "Hand's up." The guy stands up raising his hands as he says, "No! No, no. O-okay. Okay, this is not what it looks like. I'm allowed to be here." Booth then asks, "Who are you?" "Lucas Pickford. M-my social security number is 308-12-" Booth cuts him off, "Okay, Mr. Pickford. What are you doing here?" "I'm Danny's contractor. I-I live over the garage. He said I could come in anytime and use his TV." Temp then says, "Danny is dead." Pickford looks surprised, "He's dead? That's where he's been?" I lower my gun along with Booth as he says, "Oh, that's right. He's been dead." "I thought he just... met someone. Dance once took off for three weeks and never said a word."

I look at Booth as he says, "Big-screen Tv, cold-beer- I mean, it's not a great motive for murder, but I've seen people kill for less." I nod agreeing as Pickford says, "Why would I kill Danny? He owes me money- like three grand. You shouldn't be hassling me. You should talk to his ex. They had a bad breakup." Booth nods, "Right. What's her name?" "Chris. But she's a him. I mean, it's a Christopher Chris, not a Christine Chris. He rents a place on Dahlgren Road." We decided to go there and talk with the ex. We arrived as we identified ourselves and asked him a few questions as he says, "I work two jobs to put Dan through dental school. As soon as his practice was up and running, he dumped me." I nod as Booth says, "And since Virginia doesn't recognize gay marriage or civil unions, you weren't entitled to anything when he left you." "How is that fair?" I shake my head, "It's not." He looks at me as Temp then says, "I'm sorry to inform you that we have identified some human remains as Daniel Pinard." He looks at us confused, "Wait. Uh- Danny's dead?" We nod as Booth asks, "When was the last time you saw him?" "I haven't heard from him,, but- It's got to be a year." I then see something in the distance on a tree as I tap Temps shoulder. She looks at me as I signal her to follow me as she does as we go to the tree seeing the silver thing on it as Booth says, "Right. Were you, uh- Were you upset when he broke it off with you?" "What?" "Well, like you said, you didn't have any legal options." "Not upset enough to kill. I moved on. I met someone after a couple of months. Bygones are bygones, right? Is that everything now?"

Temp and are up to the tree as I ask Temp, "Could I have tweezers?" She hands me sone as I begin taking out the silver object embedded on the tree as Chris says, "Because Danny was a part of my past, and like I said, I've moved on." "Actually, no. I'd like to ask you quite a few more questions... if you don't mind." "I do mind. So, excuse me." I look at the object with Temp as I then call out Booth, "Ranger?" He turns to us, "Yeah?" I start bring it over to him as he asks, "What do you got there?" I then say, "It seems like an arrowhead." I look at Chris, "Is this yours?" "I'm a bow hunter. Whitetail deer. Yeah. I'm gay and I hunt. Get over it." I smirk a bit, "I don't have a problem with that. But what I do know is that bow in his truck would generate sufficient velocity... for this arrowhead to cause the trauma on the victim's sternum." Booth nods, "Mmm." Chris asks, "What is she saying?" Booth explains, "Basically, she's saying you have a choice. Either you come with us willingly and answer my questions, or- I arrest you."

I am at Temps office with Booth as he tells us about his interrogation with the receptionist that used to work for the victim as he also tells us about running a background check on Jared's girlfriend as we go out of her office as Temp asks, "You ran a background check on Jared's girlfriend?" "Well, yeah. You do things like that for people you care about." I then ask, 
"Wait. Does that mean that you do that with us?" "Look, Bones, Blueberry, you're the ones who says not to jump to conclusions without all the facts." Temp counters, "But you always say in matters of the heart-" "Ah, the heart is just a muscle. See? I'm learning from you, huh?" I then say, "You're just confusing me now..." Booth just pats my head, "Don't overthink it. Anyways, this whole background check came up hinky." Temp and I ask, "Hinky how?" We stop walking as he looks around a bit as he then whispers to us, "Listen. Four years ago, this woman was an escort. Jared's gonna be crushed." I was confused along side Temp as she says, "Why? I'm sure she possesses sophisticated sexual skills, and if reformed-" "She's just- Reformed? She's a reformed escort." We then continue to walk as I suggest, "Well, maybe Jared already knows." "No, he doesn't know." Temp asks, "How do you know he doesn't know?" "Because if he knew, he wouldn't be talking about getting married. he wouldn't be saying stuff like that." I pat Booths shoulder, "I think your overthinking this one this time." Temp and I leave to Hodgins workspace as we see them taking out bones from an orange liquid as Hodgins says, "Hey. Look what Vincent did. He turned our victim into rhubarb pie."

Vincent then adds, 'Fractures are evident on at least half a dozen bones, including possible cause of death." Temp and I put on gloves as we go to the clean skeletal remains as Temp says, "Hmm. Fracture to the glabellar region on the frontal bone. Head trauma could definitely be cause of death." Vincent adds, "Tendinitis of the shoulder broken ribs, knee trauma and a nock to the ankle. That's all just the right side." Hodgins then says, "Sounds like he was tortured." I hum a bit as Hodgins looks at me seeing that he accidently touched something sensitive as I just brush it off as I say, "He also had Bennett's fracture of the thumb, broken left clavicle, and his knee-" Hodgins then says, "You know what? These are all common football injuries." I add, "Some of the injuries are over a decade old, but others show almost no remodeling, which means-" Vincent answers, "He was still active in the sport." I nod as Hodgins says, "A gay dentist who plays football." Vincent and Hodgins give each other a look as Temp, and I see this as she asks, "Do the significant looks you are exchanging... mean that you doubt a gay man can play football and be a dentist?" Vincent then says, "No. I mean, for me, the answer is no. What I'm thinking is that American football... is a bastion of testosterone-fueled masculinity." Hodgins adds, "Maybe one too many lingering glances in the locker room got him in trouble." I then ask, "Does that happen often?" They nod, "Yeah." Hodgins adds, "I mean- I mean, with me, it happened all the time." Vincent then says, "If I'd killed everyone who looked at me lustily, I wouldn't have made it out of school." I chuckle a bit, "Well I'm glad that you got passed school." Hodgins begins to laugh as Vincent just looks at me in disbelief as I walk away with Temp.



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