"Yeah. A bit." I replied.

"And there's a college nearby, right?" She asked.

I nodded. "In the same city. A small community college." I said. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You're a bright boy. This might be the last time I see you. I'll always be thankful I ran into you that day when I almost got run over."

"Same to you, ma'am. You were like a mother to me. I don't know how to thank you, but I'll never take your kindness for granted." I told her. She smiled at me, her face wrinkles becoming more prominent.

"You can thank me by living. Live for me. Live for Michael. Live for your parents. All this will be worth it in the end." She said.

"I have to go, senora. It's getting late." I said.

"Yeah. You should." She pulled me in for one last hug. We stood in her dark living room, just hugging each other and not wanting to let go. Because who knows when we'll see each other again.

She wiped a few tears away.

"Come on. You need to get home." She said. She escorted me to the front door.

"Guess this is goodbye." I said.

"Think of it as an opportunity for a future hello." She replied.

"Goodbye, Ms. Bella." I said.

"Goodbye, Antonio." She said. She opened the door and watched as I walked into the dark of night.

I turned and gave a final wave as she also waved back. Then I ran in the direction of my home. That old woman has been one of the reasons why I haven't gone down a dark path. She always encouraged me to do the right thing and follow my heart. It's a gift that can't be bought nor sold.

I finally made it home. Luckily, it doesn't seem like anyone noticed I was gone. I climbed into my window and opened my bedroom door. Dolores' room was still closed. Poor Dolores. She must be in pain.

The rosary on my neck was removed. I put it on my desk along with my other things. Then, I sat on my bed and finally let the tears out. I sobbed hard, not being able to imagine that this is my life. Where my parents are dead, my brother in a coma, the love of my life miles away, and me being labeled a traitor by all my peers. Could it really get any worse?

That was a question left up to debate the next day when I had woken up from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes, figuring that last night's sob fest left my eyes puffy. I got up and gathered some spare clothes and took a quick shower with cold water.

But the house was quiet. Usually, Manny would be up right now, walking around in his heavy boots with Dolores would be humming music in the kitchen. I would be in my room getting ready or at the table. And sometimes Rafa or Juan or Alejandro would be in the house with Manny conducting business.

But it's silent. I noticed when I stepped into the living room and saw no one was up. And by no one, I mean Dolores. I knocked on her bedroom door. She let out a soft 'Come in, Antonio'. Her voice was croaked.

I opened the door and saw her in bed, covered in two blankets. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were red. She held out her arms for me to go hug her. And I did. She placed her head on my shoulders.

"You okay?" I asked.

"A bit. I'll be soon. I just miss Manuel." She replied.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Can you make coffee? I'm a bit hungry." She replied.

"Yeah, sure. Who's taking me to school?" I asked. Usually, Manny would have someone over and they would escort me to school. Or he would drive me if he had the time.

"Please don't be mad, but you aren't going to school for a while." She told me.

"I understand. It makes sense." I said.

She patted my cheek.

"If it's alright with you, I'm gonna be in bed for the whole day. I don't feel good." She said. I nodded and let her know I would be doing all the work.

I left her room, closed the door, and went to make breakfast. Coffee and pan dulce. A simple meal. I also cleaned up the messes. It felt weird not being in school. But based on my previous day where I was a social pariah, it's best I stay home.

During my free time, I looked in the closet and found a luggage bag. I checked the whole bag and saw my mom's name written on a tag. This belonged to her. No doubt. She ran away with dad in search for a better life. And now, I will do the same.

I packed a bit of my clothes, including some of the expensive ones Mike bought me. Then I packed my prized possessions. Letters from Mike, his marriage ring, the rosary, and my documents.

I pretty much have everything ready now to leave. All I need to do is contact Mike and let him know I'm ready. And hopefully he'll be ready too. Then we say goodbye.

And off we'll be, walking into a new life of uncertainty. But certain, is love.


<3 <3

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