Chapter 7

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Peter propped his legs up on the table in front of him as he let out a long sigh, sinking back against the couch as he stared at his phone screen, waiting for the picture from Carlisle to pop up.

As his phone dinged, signaling he had received the photo, Derek came walking down the stairs while slipping on one of his signature jackets.

"I'm heading out," the younger werewolf stated, patting his pockets to check for his phone before grabbing his keys.

"Got yourself another blind date?" Peter joked, knowing that Derek's last attempt at dating again didn't end well in his favor.

Derek glared at his uncle, saying, "No. Someone keeps devouring the entire pantry since he does nothing other than sit around all day instead of doing something with his life and getting a job, so I'm going to the store."

"You don't have a job either," Peter claimed as Derek pulled open the loft door.

"At least my previous once wasn't a psychopathic murderer," Derek said, giving the other man a forced smile before leaving.

"Hey!" Peter yelled. "I thought we were over that! All's forgiven!"

When he realized Derek was long gone and had no intention of replying back, he focused his attention back on his phone where he clicked on his messages with Carlisle to find a well-done sketch of a young man, and he regretted ever getting involved as soon as he recognized that boy as Stiles.

"Shit," the werewolf cursed, looking at the photo once more just to confirm that it was who he thought it was. "What's with this kid being the center of all our problems?" Peter grumbled while searching for the boys contact.

Once he found it, he quickly hit the call button before holding his phone up to his ear. He tapped his foot against the ground, impatient, as the device rang several times.

"Yeah?" Stiles said as soon as he answered the call.

"Stiles," Peter began, but he was cut off by the boy.

"Nope," Stiles said quickly. "Nope. Not doin' it."

"You don't even know what I was going to say," Peter replied with a sigh.

"Don't care. Don't wanna know. Everything that comes out of your mouth either leads to death or felony," Stiles argued before hanging up, leaving Peter both confused and frustrated.

"Stiles, what have you gotten yourself into?..." Peter asked the silence surrounding him as he called Carlisle.


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