Chapter 29

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"So who wants to start?"

Everyone perked up at Carlisle's question. The man was stood on his porch, his family surrounding him. Sam, Jake, and their packs hovered near the tree line. The Winchester brothers and their two companions distanced themselves from everyone else. The shadowhunter stood a couple feet away from the McCall Pack.

"Is there even a good place to start?" Dean asked. "This kid is being target by god knows how many people, and we're being forced to be his followers. How do we even help someone who doesn't even know how to help himself. He doesn't know what he's doing."

"And that's not his fault," Deaton stated. "He only just recently discovered his spark nature. He needs time to tame his abilities and figure out who he really is."

"We don't have time," Clary said. "Stiles killed one of the Volturi. They're not gonna waste any time coming after us, coming after him. Plus, we still have no idea where Valentine is, but we know he's still after Stiles. He's not the type of guy to give up."

"Great," Rosalie threw her hands in the air. "Now we have two enemies coming after us, and we have not one plan."

"I think the plan's obvious," Malia shrugged, drawing everyone's attention to her. "There's gonna be a fight no matter what. I don't think talking this out is an option. Stiles is our plan."

"You're letting the kid with looney eyes and glowing purple fingers come up with our plan?" Dean asked.

"He's not coming up with it. He is our plan," Malia replied. "He was able to kill that Caius dude in seconds while we spent a half-an-hour only holding them off. Isn't everyone who's trying to kill him doing so because they think he's dangerous?"

"They fear him," Lydia nodded. "If he can learn how to use his powers properly and activate them whenever he wants to, we might not even have to fight. He'll do all the work."

"And I think we have some time at least," Alice said. "This Valentine guy hasn't made many moves. He probably doesn't know where we are, and, now that the Volturi know how much of a threat Stiles can be, they probably won't come right away. They need time to gather allies and figure out a plan. They know better than to come into our territory with no backup and no plan."

"She's right," Edward agreed. "We have some time. Even so, Stiles needs to master his abilities as soon as possible."

"He will," Scott assured. "He's a quick learner."

"Let's stray away from Stiles for a second," Esme stated in a calm and polite voice. "I think we need to discuss the situation with Paul."

"What's there to discuss?" Sam asked. "He imprinted. That's it."

"I think that was more than an imprint," Alice said. "He was able to imprint without even seeing Stiles. He knew Stiles was his imprint by just smelling a drop of his blood."

"It's a strong imprint," Sam replied. "It happens. It's a one in a million chance, but it happens. Some imprinters and imprintees don't even need to make eye contact for the bond to establish. Some can sense it from a distance."

"I hate to be a party pooper on this whole imprinting thing," Lydia began sarcastically, "but if imprinting is in the realm of romantic relations, you might wanna take a step back because our broody werewolf over here," she gestured toward Derek, "is completely whipped for Stiles." Derek huffed and glared at the banshee, who wasn't phased at his attempt to silence her.

"The relationship between and imprinter and an imprintee doesn't always have to be romantic," Sam explained. "Sometimes mates are best friends or they have a sibling-type relationship. Whatever their relationship may turn out to be, they're mates."

"Can we stop with the fairytale bullshit for one second?" Dean asked.

"How about you stop talking like you own the place?" Rosalie hissed.

"I said no fights," Carlisle stated sternly, not having to yell to get his point across. His words silenced the crowd.

"Look, we're on a time crunch here," Sam Winchester stated. "We made a deal with the literal ruler of hell over here," he gestured toward Lucifer, "that Stiles could meet his demands."

"And you made deal without even knowing if Stiles is capable of doing it," Rosalie said. "What happens when you can't uphold your end of the deal? I don't think the King of Hell will take too kindly to that."

"Politely, can you stop talking like I'm not right here?" Lucifer budded in only to be glared at by Dean.

"Time will tell what can be accomplished and what can't be," Carlisle said, "but we have two main focus' right now. One, train Stiles, and, two, keep a look out for any enemies. We can't afford to have any surprise attacks."

Everyone perked up at the sound of rustling leaves and distant voice, and more than one were poised to take a defensive stance before two figures appeared that definitely weren't a threat.

"Sorry guys," Seth stated while scratching the back of his neck, glancing between Billy and his pack. "You'd be surprised on how quick someone can be in a wheelchair."

"Billy," Sam said, "we told you to stay back."

"Don't talk to your elder like that," Billy bit back. "You all rushed out of the house so quickly that I couldn't help but think something was wrong."

"Everything is fine now," Sam assured. "Paul just happened to have a very strong imprint."

"Really?" Billy seemingly couldn't help but smile. "Who's the lucky person?"

"I wouldn't say lucky," Embry joked while slinging his arm over Paul's shoulders. "Paul's about as amusing as a brick wall."

"Seriously?" Paul grunted while shrugging his pack mates arm off of him.

"His name is Stiles," Sam told Billy, whose eyebrows furrowed at the information before he looked away.

"Quite ironic," the man muttered.

"Ironic how?" Alice was quick to ask.

"Well, an old friend of Harry was nicknamed Stiles," Billy explained. "He was allied to the Quileute Tribe. I only met him a few times, but he had a great influence.He cared for the Quileute kids like they were his own."

"Stiles isn't a common nickname," Lydia noted. "Did this friend Harry have a full name?"

"Yes, Mieczyslaw Gajos," Billy nodded, "but no one could ever pronounce his first name, so he went by Stiles."

"You've gotta be kidding me," Scott muttered as he glanced at his pack mates.

"Mieczyslaw Gajos was Stiles' grandfather," Bella stated, looking at Scott. "You said that earlier."

"Gajo's grandson is here?" Billy rushed out. He began to wheel himself toward the porch. "I must see him." Carlisle stepped in front of Billy to prevent him from approaching the house further.

"He's resting," Carlisle stated. "He's had a rough day."

Billy sighed and leaned back in his wheelchair, saying, "Is he like his grandfather? Is he a spark?"

"Yes," Carlisle answered.

"Alright," Billy nodded and turned around as he began to head back toward the trees. "I will be back. I need to get something."

As Billy disappeared back into the woods, majority of the pack following him, Sam exhaled and stated, "Sometimes I don't understand him."

"We'll keep an eye out for the Volturi," Jake said. "We'll let you know if we see anything."

"Thanks," Bella stated as she set her hand on Renesmee's head and wove her fingers through her daughters air, a silent gesture of comfort.

As Jake disappeared with his friends and family, more silence fell upon the rest of the crowd. That was until Carlisle decided to speak.

"Keep things on the low end while we wait for Stiles to wake up," the blond stated. "No messing around. I don't want anyone wandering out in their own, and I want him," he pointed at Lucifer, "kept contained."

"We got him," Dean assured with a firm nod.

"Alright," Esme sighed. "I suppose now we just wait."


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