Chapter 24

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Stiles clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he looked at the ground in front of him. He was still chained to the floor, and hadn't seen the Volturi since he first woke up. He was tired, but his position wouldn't be comfortable to sleep in, and he was hungry, but he wasn't able to search for any food.

The doors behind him suddenly opened, and Stiles quickly lifted his head to find Alec, the boy who had been standing with Jane earlier, walking to stand in front of him.

"Come to let me out?" Stiles questioned even though he already knew the answer.

Alec shook his head, saying, "Aro sent me to make sure you hadn't escaped. You'd be a great danger to the town."

"Danger?" Stiles said with a small chuckle. "Kid, I'm just some lanky, weak teenager from California."

"Aro said you'd try and fool me," Alec replied, stepping back. Stiles shook his head.

"You can hear my heartbeat, right? You can tell if I'm lying," Stiles began, "so listen. Meiczyslaw Gajos is my grandfather. He died a while ago. I'm Meiczyslaw Stilinski. I'm a spark, but I don't know how to use my powers. I'm a high schooler attending Beacon Hills High School, and I don't know this Quileute Tribe."

Alec stared at Stiles skeptically, who waited anxiously for the vampire to say something, anything.

"You say no lies. Your heart rate didn't spike," Alec explained.

"Alec, was it?" Stiles questioned. "I just wanna go home. I'm seventeen. I'm not ready to die."

Alec fell silent. Stiles could tell that the vampire was mentally debating what to do, and there was only two choices; he could either leave Stiles chained up and allow the boy to wait for his death, or he could release Stiles and let him venture out on his own.

"I apologize, but I can't," Alec stated. "What you say may be true, but I will not betray my family."

"What about my family?" Stiles asked as he yanked on the chains that restrained him. "I have a dad, friends."

"They'll live without one less person in their life," Alec replied.

"They'll kill you if you kill me," Stiles assured. "It wouldn't be the first time one of us took a life."

"I see you're prone to threatening."

Stiles looked over his shoulder at the sound of Aro's voice to find the coven leader walking into the room with the rest of the members trialing behind him. The spark looked back at Alec, who seemed to be mentally debating on if he should tell Aro what he learned. The young vampire stayed silent in the end.

"I'm quite parched," Caius suddenly said, and his coven-mates grinned at his statement with the exception of Aro.

"You know you cannot ingest a spark's blood," Aro stated sternly. "Do you wish to die?"

"That is only if he has the mountain ash ability" Caius hissed in response.

"I am not risking any of our existences," Aro replied, "unless you wish to argue with me."

Caius remained silent.

"When can we take his life?" Felix questioned as he licked his lips. Stiles couldn't help but gulp at the vampires words.

"I have invited distant allies to come to the execution, but the last wont arrive until tomorrow, so we will wait until then," Aro explained. Stiles watched with a hardened expression as the leader knelt in front of him.

The spark jerked his head back when Aro pressed his cold and porcelain fingers to his flushed cheeks.

"That doesn't mean we can't have a little fun though," Aro continued. "You may shed blood, but don't drink it."

"Wait-" Stiles began to object, but he was silenced when Demetri slapped his hand over his mouth as Marcus broke the chains that bounded him.

"Clean up the mess when you're done," Aro stated as he stood, "and then put him in one of the cellars."

Stiles' eyes widened in fear when Caius appeared in front of him, clawed fingers reaching out with the intention of causing pain.

"Try not to scream," Caius said with a creepy smile. "I don't like whiners."


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