Chapter 42

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After sharing his theory, Stiles was able to convince the rest of the shapeshifters to follow a plan, his plan.

He and Renesemee, since the girl shouldn't be left alone, would go to New York to search for the Shadowhunters. Paul and Jake would accompany them, acting as guards for their mates. While they did this, everyone else would head to Kansas where the Winchesters supposedly were.

Someone was deciding to be a pain in the ass though.

"Seth, stop moving," Stiles hissed as he attempted to perform a teleportation spell from his spell book for the dozenth time. However, Seth kept squirming, claiming the aura of the spark's magic was tickling him.

"It tickles," Seth replied, continuing to wriggle and shift.

"It's gonna hurt in a second if you don't stop moving," Stiles threatened, which not only got Seth to shut up but also to stop with his writhing.

"Is this gonna be painful?" Leah questioned as Stiles proceeded to perform the spell once more.

"Only if you're paranoid enough. If you feel like you have to puke, try and do it after you've arrived," Stiles said. He didn't give the shapeshifters any more time to ask questions before teleporting them away.

"Should we be worried?" Paul asked as Stiles prepared to perform the spell again, this time on the four of them.

Stiles exhaled, trying to refrain from showing how frustrated he was with all the questions he was receiving.

"Never mind. Don't answer that," Paul added, sensing his mates irritation.

Renesmee shuffled closer to Jacob, and Paul stood protectively behind Stiles as the spark's violet magic surrounded them, teleporting them as soon as Stiles had finished muttering the necessary incantation.

In the blink of an eye, they were standing in an alleway leading to the busy streets of New York.

"You were right about the...hacking part," Paul gagged as he turned around, facing away from the three.

"You're fine," Stiles said as he patted the shapeshifters back. Paul hunched over and struggled to keep his breakfast on the inside.

"So where do we go from here?" Jacob asked.

"Well, Shadowhunter institutes are usually on sacred or holy grounds like a church," Stiles replied, "so I guess we go looking for abandoned churches."

"Do you know how many churches are in New York?" Jacob questioned.

"Four thousand two hundred thirty-two," the spark replied.

"That was rhetorical," Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Okay," Paul exhaled as he straightened his posture and turned toward others. The color had returned to his face, and he no longer seemed like he was going to puke. "What're we doing?"

"Nothing because I'm not searching through four thousand churches," Jacob stated.

"Relax," Stiles began with an annoyed sigh. "You're so uptight. Did you forget I have more than one power?" Jacob's brows furrowed.

"True Sight," the spark continued. "I can see past supernatural barriers. That includes shapeshifters, illusions, and shadowhunter glamours. If the institute is using a glamour to hide themselves within a church, I'll be able to see it."

"We still have to find that church though," Paul said. "Do you have a power for that?"

"Do you wanna shut up before you get yourself slapped?" Stiles' usual sass was enough to get Paul to be quiet. "I have super speed. I'll scan the city, find the church, and then come back and teleport all of us there. It'll take minutes."

"Whoa, number one rule is that we don't split up," Jacob intervened. "You can't just go off alone. You've got a million targets on your back. A lot can happen in a few minutes."

"I'll got with," Paul stated.

"There," Stiles gestured before looking at Jacob. "We'll go search, and you try and contact Carlisle to see how they're doing with hunting. I'm sure they won't wanna come home and see us missing."

With that, they departed. Jacob and Renesmee stayed hidden away in the alleyway as Stiles and Paul stepped out onto sidewalk.

"Question," Paul started as they began walking. "It's the middle of the day, it's busy, and you wanna use super speed to find this place. How exactly are you gonna do that without drawing attention to yourself?"

"You ask a lot of questions," Stiles replied.

"You always seem to have an answer," Paul countered. "What's the plan this time?"

"A genius plan is not always needed to overcome things," the spark stated.

"Uh, so we're gonna use a stupid plan?" Paul questioned with a slight tilt of his head, and Stiles exhaled deeply.

"Paul, sometimes you leave me speechless," the spark eventually said.

"Is that a good thing?"

"I'll let you decide that—hey!"

Stiles interrupted himself with a strained yell when someone grabbed his shoulder from behind, forcefully pulling him to a stop.

Paul reacted instantly. He reached out, one hand grabbing his mate's forearm while the other grabbed the individual's hand, and pulled them apart before shoving Stiles behind him, using his own body as a shield. That's when Stiles finally got a proper look at the grabber.

"Clary?" he questioned.

The shadowhunter's eyes widened as if she hadn't been the instigator to begin with, snd she took a cautious step back.

"It is you," she began, almost gasping. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing in New York?"

"What the hell are you doing go around grabbing people?" Stiles asked as he brushed the creases out of his jacket. "A "hello" would do just fine."

"Sorry," Clary apologized, managing a small smile at the spark's sarcasm.

The shadowhunter relatively looked the same. Her hair had darkened a bit and she had a few more runes, but, other than that, she hadn't changed.

"We're here to get some answers," Paul said, finally responding to Clary's question as to why they were in New York.

"Lots of stuff has happened recently," Stiles added. "It's a long story, but, in short, a shit load of people have gone missing, all of which who were once associated with each other and pissed off the same people. We came to see if people had disappeared here too."

"Dammit..." Clary cussed beneath her breath.

"What?" the spark questioned.

"That's why I was running around," she explained. "I was looking for someone, anyone. The institute is empty. Everyone has vanished."


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