Chapter 33

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Stiles skidded to a stop in front of the Uley Residence. His speed help him arrive within seconds, and he arrived alone.

He had rushed out of the house so quickly that it poised everyone else to follow him, but Alice was quick to stop them, saying he was the only one who needed to go.

Stiles barely made it up the steps of the porch before the front door opened and Sam stepped out. It was as if he knew the spark would show up.

"Where is he?" Stiles asked.

"Inside," Sam stated, stepping aside. "Come on."

Stiles stepped inside, and Sam shut the door before gesturing for the spark to follow. They passed by everyone else, who sat in the living room, radiating worry.

"What happened?" Stiles questioned as Sam abruptly stopped in front of a closed door.

"He smelled your blood and took off," the shapeshifter explained while grabbing the door handle. "He found these...things taking off through the woods, coming from the direction of the Cullen's. He could sense they had been around you. They attacked first."

"Demons," Stiles stated. "Valentine sent them."

"They got him good," Sam replied, "but he'll be fine."

Stiles held his breath as Sam slowly pushed open the door, which revealed Paul. He lied on a bed in the corner of the room, his eyes squeezed shut. He wore nothing but shorts, and bandages that were stained red covered his chest and his arms. There was a developing bruise that had a black tint to it near his heart.

Sam glance at Paul in worry before wordlessly leaving and heading back in the direction of the living room.

Stiles quietly stepped into the room and closed the door. The clicking sound of it closing alerted Paul enough for the shapeshifter to open his eyes.

"Hey," Stiles said with the smallest of smiles as he walked over. He sat on the edge of the mattress, causing Paul to sit up before scooting back to prop himself up on the pillows behind him.

"Hi," Paul replied, his voice raspy and gruff.

Stiles noticed a half-empty glass of water on a small wooden table beside the bed, so he leaned over to grab it before holding it up to Paul's mouth.

Paul began to sip and nodded after a few seconds when it was enough. Stiles set the now almost empty glass back on the table.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked as he leaned his head back onto his pillows.

"You're the one bedridden, covered in bandages, and can barely move, and you're asking if I'm okay?" Stiles questioned with an amused scoff.

"Those...things had the scent of your blood around them," Paul explained. "I didn't know if you were hurt. Clearly, I didn't get a chance to find out before they ripped into me."

"Demons," Stiles stated shortly. "They were sent by Valentine. We interrogated the one we caught, but we didn't get much."

"You're okay though?" Paul asked.

"Perfectly fine," Stiles nodded, "but you're not."

The spark reached out and slowly undid the bandages covering the most serve wounds on the shapeshifters chest. Paul shot his imprint a confused look.

"What're you doing?" Paul wondered aloud.

"Healing you," Stiles answered. "Just stay still."

Stiles gently pressed his palm to Paul's wounds, who winced but didn't make an attempt to stop the spark.

Stiles' hand radiated a faint violet hue as his powers surfaced, and Paul's injuries slowly began to heal. Each and every gash and cut stitched itself back together and left not a single scar.

"I didn't know you could do that," Paul said as he slowly sat up to examine his now completely healed body.

"Neither did I up until a week ago," Stiles replied.

The spark rolled up what were once Paul's bandages and tossed them in a small garbage bin that was sitting beside the bed.

"I didn't realize you were so targeted," Paul began. "I mean, the Cullens told us, but demons is a bit...extreme."

"That's not even the worst of it," Stiles said, forcing a smile to lighten the mood. "There's the Volturi and Valentine, and you can't forget about Lucifer, the literal King of Hell, who, for some reason, is staying in the same house as me. Then there's probably dozens of others who have been hunting me ever since we went to that supernatural flea market or whatever. I think I've got more than a target on my back."

"What could be worse than a target on your back?" Paul wondered aloud. Stiles allowed the shapeshifter to intertwine their fingers for comfort.

"Bring a spark isn't all wonderful," the spark stated. "This whole learning process is exhausting. Sometimes, I'd rather just die then have to deal with all this. It seems like I'm always the problem. No one would have to deal with all the hiding and the running and the fighting if I  just...disappeared."

"Don't talk like that," Paul replied with a shake of his head.

"Or what?" Stiles questioned, now slightly amused. "You gonna go all wolfy on me?"

"Think you can handle it?" Paul asked with a developing smirk. "You got covered in mud the last time."

"Last time, we were playing tag,"  Stiles noted. "Do you think you can take on the last living spark?"

"Do you wanna start something you can finish?" the shapeshifter asked.

"Let's face it, Paul," Stiles began, "you're not a big bad wolf around me. You're nothing up a puppy in awe."

"You wish," Paul accused, but, when Stiles yanked his hand out of the shapeshifter's, Paul abruptly leaned forward to grab the spark's hand again, only proving Stiles' point.

"Right," Stiles falsely agreed, "not a puppy."

Paul rolled his eyes, yet he still sunk back into the mattress he laid on with clear embarrassment written all over his face.

"Get some more rest. Just because you're healed doesn't mean you're not tired," Stiles stated as he stood. "I'll come see you tomorrow."

"I'll hold you to that," Paul replied, and Stiles flashed the shapeshifter a small smile before leaving. He waved goodbye to the rest of the pack and family as he made his way out of the house.

He needed to figure out his abilities as soon as possible. He couldn't keep letting things like this happen regardless of if it was actually his fault or not.

Stiles speeded back to the Cullen House where he found Carlisle and Esme waiting on the porch.

"I need to train," the spark said, "now. We can't keep waiting. People are getting hurt, and no one's gonna stop attacking just for our convenience."

Carlisle managed a small smile, saying, "that's the determination I've been waiting for."


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