Chapter 4

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Stiles yawned as he stumbled down the stairs. The first thing he headed for was the fridge where he pulled out a container of leftover pizza, pulled out two slices, and dropped them on a clean plate before putting them in the microwave. He set the timer for two minutes before pushing himself up to sit on the counter as he waited.

Then, there was a knock on the door.



Stiles groaned tiredly as he awakened from his deep sleep. He rolled over, unraveling himself from his blankets as he slowly got out of bed. He stretched his arms above his head before grabbing his phone, which was laying on his nightstand.

It was noon, and thank god for his lazy ass that it was Saturday because he did not feel like doing anything other than stress eating and binge watching Marvel movies.

Stiles opened his bedroom door, yawning as he turned the corner and headed down the stairs. Food was the first thing he thought of, and, since he didn't feel like cooking, he settled for leftovers. He opened the fridge, grabbed the container of pizza leftover from the previous night, and tossed two slices onto a plate before putting them in the microwave and setting the timer for two minutes. It wasn't until he was already sitting on the counter that he realized he had just recreated exactly what happened in his dream.

"No," the boy groaned, sliding off the counter and running a hand over his face. "No, no, no, no."

Suddenly, there's was a knock.

"No!" Stiles exclaimed loudly. He was sure whoever was standing on his porch had heard him, but he really didn't care.

He dragged himself to the front door and yanked it opened to find the one and only Lydia Martin standing outside. She wore a small smile as she looked Stiles up and down, observing his wrinkled clothes and messy hair before clearing her throat.

"Look who just woke up," the banshee commented. Stiles scoffed playfully, rolling his eyes.

"Can I help you?" Stiles asked.

"Malia and I were gonna catch a movie. Scott's gonna meet us there," Lydia explained, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Wanna tag along?"

"Uh..." Stiles trailed off, thinking. He did feel like having a lazy day, but it's not like one movie would take away all his time. Plus, he supposed he could use some quality time with his friends to take his mind off of his new sleeping habit.

"Yeah," he finally said. "I'm just gonna eat real quick. Meet you there?"

"Sure," Lydia agreed as she smiled. "It starts in an hour, but Malia likes to go early and and try all the claw machines."

Stiles nodded, watching as the strawberry blonde waved goodbye before turning around and heading toward her car, which was parked on the side of the door.

The boy stepped back to shut the door, and he found himself frightened as he subconsciously and abruptly slammed the door shut. He hadn't meant to shut it so hard. He glanced downnat his hand, coming to the solution that it was just him spazzing out, which wouldn't be that shocking.

Stiles headed back to the kitchen where he found his pizza hot and ready. He grabbed the handle of the microwave door and pulled it opened. Well, it was more like yanked open. He found himself pulling on the handle roughly and quickly, his hand twitching as the door flung back, the corner hitting in right above the eye.

"Ah-mother of god!" the boy explained, rubbing the sore spot on his head. "Okay, this is too much spazzing, even for me..." he muttered to himself.

His phone vibrated on the counter, ringing, and he could not help but let out a chorus of curses as he reached over and grabbed the device.

"Yeah?" he said tiredly as he answered the call.

"Stiles," a voice he didn't want to hear so soon after he woke up greeted his ears.

"Nope," Stiles said. "Nope. Not doin' it."

"You don't even know what I was going to say," Peter replied with a sigh.

"Don't care. Don't wanna know. Everything that comes out of your mouth either leads to death or felony," the boy replied before pulling the phone away from his ear, ending the call, and dropping his phone back on the counter before grabbing his pizza and beginning to eat it, taking his time.

The phone rang again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

He resisted the urge to throw the device across the room as he ignored every call, too lazy to just shut his phone off as he finished his brunch. He set his dirty plate in the sink before heading up to his room to get changed.

The phone range again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Stiles changed out of the checkered sweatpants and gray shirt he had worn to bed and into a more visually appealing outfit, which consisted of jeans and one of his classic flannels. He grabbed his car keys before quickly heading back down the stairs.

The phone rang again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Stiles left the device ringing on the counter as he headed out the door. The annoying sound of his phone still ringing traveled with him all the way to his jeep. He ignored it. He tried his best to tune it out as he pulled out of his driveway and headed toward the movie theater.

He was definitely changing his ringtone later.


What do y'all think Peter's up to??

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