Chapter 30

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Stiles awakened feeling better than ever. He had a few stiff muscles, but, other than that, he felt brand new.

The spark sat up and stretched his limbs before standing. He looked down at himself and cringed.

He may be feeling better, but he definitely didn't look better. He was still a bit dirty and he only had pants on, which were also muddy and slightly tattered. He didn't pack any spare clothes for his kidnapping.

Stiles fixed up his hair to make it look decent before leaving the comfort of what he now claimed as his room to see if he could snag some clothes and take a shower.

He ended up wandering into the kitchen where there wasn't anyone, but there was food, and Stiles was beyond hungry.

He didn't hesitate to start rummaging through the fridge and cupboards. Vampires didn't need to eat. The food was there for guests. He may as well take advantage of it.

He ended up settling on a container that had some clearly leftover fried chicken in it. He quickly heated it up and, after it was done, he began to devouring it as he continued his journey throughout the house.

He eventually made his way to the living room where he halted in the doorway upon seeing everyone chatting , everyone being his friends, the Cullen Family, Paul, and a man he didn't know that was sat in a wheelchair.

"I see you made yourself at home," Esme smiled as she noticed the food in Stiles' hands.

The spark wiped his mouth and finished chewing the chicken in his mouth before saying, "I'm doing you a favor. Food's gonna go bad if you don't eat it."

"Anyway," Alice began, "Billy, this is Stiles. Stiles, this is Billy. He knew your grandfather."

Stiles glanced at Billy, who was staring at him with mesmerized eyes, before looking around the room for an empty spot. There was no seats left, but there was a gap between Derek and Scott, who stood behind the couch where the Cullens were sat.

"You look just like him," Billy stated. His eyes followed Stiles as the spark moved to stand in between Derek and Scott.

"Yep, stole his name and his face," Stiles stated as he took another bite of chicken. Scott nudge his freind, eyeing the food.

"What? I'm the hungry," the spark said. "You know what problem being locked in a dirty cellar for hours doesn't solve? Starvation."

"We get it. You're hungry," Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Can we focus on the real reason we're all here?"

"One drop, Blondie," Stiles threatened as he held up his bandaged wrist.

"Okay, calm down," Emmet stated as he placed his arm over his mate's lap. "Billy is here because he had something for you," he added, looking at Stiles.

"And Paul?" Stiles questioned.

Paul perked up at the sound of his name and looked at Stiles with adoration in his eyes, yet the rest of his features showed boredom.

"Fresh imprint bond," Alice stated. "It's best if he's near you right now."

Stiles perked up at the sound of a soft growl, and he look beside himself to find Derek glaring at Paul, his lips curled up as he resisted the urge to bare his teeth any further.

"Derek," Stiles spoke the werewolf's name firmly, and that was all it took for Derek to back down.

Stiles looked back at Billy to find the man leaning down from his spot in his wheelchair. He grabbed at something near his feet and sat back up with a book in his hand.

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