Chapter 9

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Stiles spent a couple hours catching up on school work and FaceTiming with Lydia and Scott before deciding to do some research of his own.

He sat down at his desk, pulled out a notepad and pencil, and went with the simple path first, which was just typing in spark to the search bar and hoping something popped up. Unfortunately, all he got was ads and websites selling sparklers and fireworks, but he didn't expect to find much with one word, so he added "powers" after the word end hit enter. All he received in response was a list of fictional superheroes.

"Dammit," he cursed quietly, revising his search to, "bestiary spark," but, once again he received nothing.

He tried various other searches such as "spark abilities," and, "what are sparks," but he got nothing. Still, he scribbled down visions on his notebook as a potential power along with enhanced speed due to his odd twitching.

Picking up his phone, Stiles dialed Lydia's number and muttered to himself tiredly as he waited for the girl to pick up.

"Hey, Stiles."

"Hey," Stiles said. "Do you still have the bestiary?"

"Yeah," the banshee replied slowly. "Do you need it?"

"Yeah, can you drop it off?" he asked. "I can come and get it if not."

"No, it's fine. I'll be there in a bit," Lydia said quickly before hanging up, leaving Stiles a bit confused, but he eventually brushed it off and returned to researching.



"Why are we here?" Peter asked as he entered Scott's home, Derek trailing behind him.

"Freaky stuff's going on," Lydia commented form the couch, "and, surprise, Stiles is the centric."

"To be fair, the kid's weird," Peter said, earning a nudge to the ribs from Derek. "Are you sure it's not just...him?" he questioned.

"He's been...glitching?" Malia questioned rather than stated.

"Spazzing out," Kira specified from beside the were-coyote.

"He always spazzes," Derek said. "There's nothing weird about it."

"He's been more distant," Scott explained, and Peter shrugged, saying, "He was possessed by a demon not too long ago. I don't blame him for wanting alone time."

"His spazzes are weird," Lydia said. "He spilled hot butter on Malia earlier today because of a twitch, a twitch that was so fast we couldn't even see it before it happened."

"If you're trying to say that Stiles, human Stiles, is-" Derek began, but Scott cut him off.

"We're not saying he's not human," the true alpha said, "but we know somethings up."

"And this involves me, how?" Peter questioned, bored.

"We just wanted to talk about it, as a pack," Scott said, then adding, "without Stiles."

"Going behind his back hasn't really worked in the past," Peter replied. "Remember the demon?"

"Asking him straightforward doesn't seem like an option," Kira said. "If he is hiding something, he's not gonna tell us if we ask."

Peter opened his mouth to speak, but Lydia's phone rang, silencing everyone. She pulled out the device from her pocket and displayed her screen for the others to see.

"It's Stiles," she said.

"Answer it," Scott encouraged. "We'll be quiet. Put it on speaker." Lydia hesitated before answering the call and putting in on speaker.

"Hey, Stiles," she said.

"Hey," Stiles replied tiredly. "Do you still have the bestiary?"

Lydia glanced at the others in the room, and Scott nodded at her as a silent sign to continue.

"Yeah, do you need it?" the banshee asked, biting her lip.

"Yeah, can you drop it off?" Stiles questioned before adding, "I can come and get it if not."

"No, it's fine. I'll be there in a bit," Lydia said quickly before hanging up.

"Why would Stiles need the bestiary?" Malia asked.

"That's what I am going to find out," Lydia said with determination as she stood up, heading for the door. Derek stopped her by grabbing her forearm and pulling her back.

"Peter," Derek began, gaining everyone's attention. "Why don't you tell everyone what you told me."

"That you're not dating material?" Peter questioned, and Derek jammed his elbow into his uncles ribcage.

"Fine," Peter rolled his eyes. "Stiles is involved with vampires."

"What!" the four teenagers shouted in unison.

"Okay, ow," Peter said, rubbing his ears. "He doesn't know he's involved. He doesn't even know that vampires exist. I mean, he probably suspects it because werewolves are a thing, but he doesn't-"

"Peter!" Scott interrupted the man. "Explain in the least obnoxious way."

"You're asking a lot from me, but fine," Peter replied, crossing his arms. "We," he gestured toward himself and Derek, have a vampiric ancestor, Carlisle-"

"-which I wasn't informed about until earlier," Derek interrupted.

"-and he called saying that one of his daughters, Alice, who has the gift of seeing the future through short visions, saw a vision of Stiles tackling the daughter of one of his other children," Peter continued. "They think he may be a threat, so they called to have me track him down, but I didn't know it was Stiles until he sent me a picture of the sketch Alice made."

"So what did you tell him?" Malia questioned.

"Well, I tried calling Stiles, but he hung up immediately claiming that I was only calling to cause trouble," Peter said.

"Which is reasonable," Malia replied, earning a glare from her father, "but did you tell this vampire guy that you know Stiles."

"I called him back and told him I knew where he was and I'd work on it," Peter replied. "I never said Stiles' name or the fact that I knew him personally."

"That's a shocker," Lydia said, "considering you don't care about anyone else as long as you get what you want."

Peter gave the banshee a forced smile, saying, "I just don't want to cause a rivalry that will last for centuries."

"How considerate of you," the strawberry blonde replied, licking her lips obnoxiously before leaving to fetch the bestiary from her house for Stiles.


Stand Still // [tw/spn/sh/twl] [HIATUS]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora