Chapter 6

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Alice jolted, another vision swarming through her head as she quickly sat up. She had been sleeping when it happened. Well, it was more like she was staring at the ceiling waiting for something to pop into her head since vampires didn't need to sleep. 

The vampire quickly stood up, ignoring Jaspers questions, who had been laying beside her. She scrambled to grab a piece of paper and a pencil before she began sketching an image of the boy she saw in her vision.

"Alice?" Jasper questioned, but he received no response as his mate continued to rapidly scribble down every little detail to the strangers face.

"This is him," she said, turning around and holding up the notepad to show a decently frame profile of a young man. "This is the boy."


"You're sure?" Carlisle asked, glancing between Alice and the notepad in his hand.

"Yes," Alice nodded. "Positive."

Carlisle looked closer at the drawing. The boy had all the features Alice described the day before and more. It was detailed enough to the point where they'd be able to pick him out of a lineup.

"Alright," Carlisle said.

"Alright?" Bella budded in from across the room. "That's all? Aren't we gonna do something?"

"I will do something," Carlisle replied calmly. "I will do my best to locate him and get answers. All you have to do is go about your lives while being cautious."


"Bella," Edward interrupted his wife, moving his hand to her lower back, "it's best to stay calm, and let things play out more."

Bella glanced over her shoulder at him before sighing. She nodded and allowed Edward to take her out of the room.

"What're you gonna do?" Esme asked Carlisle quietly, and the man looked down at her with a small smile.

"Call a friend," he explained. "Don't worry. I'll get some answers."

Carlisle pressed a quick kiss to the side of his mates head before stepping out of the room and into the kitchen where he pulled out his phone. He thought for a moment as he tried to remember the number of the person he desired to call, and, when he did, he quickly typed it out before he would forget it and pressed the call button.


"Peter," Carlisle began, "hello, it's been a while. It's Carlisle."

"How nice to hear from my vampiric and thousand year old ancestor after god knows how long," Peter replied sarcastically, and Carlisle shook his head.

"You know I'm not nearly that old," Carlisle said, and he could hear Peter chuckle.

"Nearly half way," the werewolf claimed. "That's close enough." Carlisle couldn't help but roll his eyes as he listened to Peter continue to speak. "So why have you called?" the younger man asked.

"My family may be in danger," Carlisle explained. "Alice has been seeing visions depicting a young man who may be a threat to us. I know you've always like the thrill of potentially getting into trouble, and I also know that, when you want to find someone, you find them."

"Carlisle, you and I both know you could easily find this kid on your own, so why ask for my help?" Peter asked.

"I don't want to worry my family any more then they already are," Carlisle responded. "I feel like the best thing for us is to stay together. That means no wandering for me."

"So you want me to do your dirty work?" the werewolf questioned, earning a sigh from the vampire.

"It's not dirty work," Carlisle began, pausing as he thought for a moment. "It's justified research for the better of my family, who are technically your distant family."

Peter let out an exaggerated groan, saying, "I think we both know I don't take the aspect of family into consideration anymore, but, fine, I'll help."

"Great," Carlisle smiled even though the werewolf couldn't see it. "I'll send you a picture of the sketch."

"Just make it quick," Peter stated before hanging up. Carlisle ignored the abrupt end to the call and quickly snapped a picture of Alice's drawing before sending it to Peter.


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