Chapter 21

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As Scott got out of his shower, he thought about calling Stiles before heading to school, so, after drying off, he grabbed his phone and dialed his best friends number.
The werewolf grew slightly worried when it went to voice mail after ringing several times. Stiles usually answered on the first call. He wasn't a terribly deep sleeper and almost always kept his phone off silent. Scott called again, and again, and again, but each call went to voicemail.

'It wouldn't hurt to check in,' Scott thought as he quickly got dressed before grabbing his bag and leaving his house. He'd rather be safe than sorry.

Upon arriving at Stiles' house, Scott immediately knew something was wrong. He couldn't hear Stiles snoring like he usually could with his heightened hearing, and the house was eerily quiet. His eyes widened when he entered the house and found droplets of blood and shattered glass on the ground. He let out a small gasp at the sight of the broken window in the kitchen.

Scott pulled out his phone as he began to pace, and he dialed the number of the first person that came to his mind.

"Deaton, bring everyone to Stiles' house. He's gone."


"What the hell happened?" Malia asked as she rushed into the household, the rest of those who were involved in the situation following behind her.

"It was like this when I showed up," Scott replied before motioning to the blood on the ground. "That's Stiles' blood."

"Someone must've broken in," Deaton claimed as he noticed the broken window.

"Why would someone break in through the window?" Lydia asked. "It would've been smarter to pick the lock on the door, not shatter the biggest window in the house.

"Could it have been this Valentine guy?" Kira questioned, and all eyes fell upon the shadowhunters.

"No, he wouldn't go through with a plan like this," Izzy shook her head. "He wouldn't want to leave any evidence that could trace back to him."

"Maybe it was someone who noticed him at the flea market," Alice suggested. "He had a lot of eyes on him. I wouldn't put it past someone to get curious."

"It could've been a normal break in gone wrong," Clary stated, "really wrong."

"No," Lydia shook her head. "No way. Why would someone break into a house, shatter a window, and leave all the valuables but take the one person that was in the house?"

"You're saying this was an intentional kidnapping?" Jace asked.

"Obviously," the banshee replied. "We're well aware a lot of people know about Stiles whether we know them personally or not."

"But Stiles doesn't have any enemies," Scott noted.

"Most of the people in this room do though," Lydia acknowledged, "and they know that Stiles is important to all is us. He's the glue of our pack, and most of our anchors. If someone wanted to get to multiple of us at once, they'd target Stiles."

"All of our enemies are dead," Malia said. "We've taken out everyone who's come our way."

The group observed the scene before them as everyone tried to come up with a logical explanation.

"We should've been watching him," Alec stated.

"Let's not blame ourselves or anyone," Deaton said. "The important thing is that we find Stiles, and the person who took him."

"How are we supposed to find someone without a trace?" Malia asked. "There's no other scent here other than Stiles'. There's nothing here to tell us who took him."

Deaton sighed, thinking for a moment before saying, "Everyone make a list of your enemies whether they know about Stiles or not. If you're here, and you know Stiles, your enemies are his."

Everyone worked together to sum up their enemies, which Deaton scribbled down on a notepad he found in one of the kitchen drawers.


The Volturi
Peter (?)

"Who put my name down?" Peter asked with a small growl, and Lydia shamelessly raised her hand with a small smirk.

"If these are our main suspects, then we should track them all down one by one and question them. It's the best we're gonna get," Deaton explained.

"What about his dad?" Kira questioned. "If we all leave, and he can't get in contact with Stiles, he'll know something is up."

"We'll make an excuse," Lydia said, "say we're going somewhere as a group."

"We'll tell him it's for a school trip, lacrosse," Scott stated. "He's busy enough at the station to not question it."

"One question," Clary began, drawing the attention to her, "how are we supposed to track down these suspects when all they do is hide from the people trying to catch them? We can't just call and hope they wanna meet up."

"She's got a point," Kira agreed. "How do we go about this?"

"Good Cop, Bad Cop," Sam stated. "It works."

"Says the two carrying fake badges," Jack said.

"Boy, I can put that mountain ash back in your body," Dean threatened, but his words had no effect on the nephilim, who simply shrugged.

"Let's start with whoever is the closest," Lydia suggested.

"Well, Washington is closer than New York." Esme said.

"Lucifer is closer than both since he doesn't really live anywhere. We have to summon him," Dean explained.

"Great," Malia said. "I didn't think I'd be spending my Monday morning summoning the devil."

"I didn't think I'd grow up to be friends with a coyote, yet here we are," Lydia replied while patting the girl's shoulder.


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