Chapter 3

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Alice was entering the living room, a basket of laundry in her hands, when she felt it. A tingling sensation ran throughout her entire body like a shockwave as a series of images flashed through her mind similar to how an old fashioned movie would be played. Both familiar and unfamiliar people invaded her mind as voices flowed her head.

"Alice?" Jasper questioned, concern lacing his voice as he rushed over to his mate, who had dropped the basket of laundry after her vision had ended.

"What's wrong?" Bella asked, the now one year-old vampire staring at Alice with worry in her eyes.

"It was just a vision," Alice assured, gulping before turning and smiling at her mate. "I'm fine," she said.

"You usually don't react to normal visions like that," Carlisle commented. "Are you sure it's nothing to worry about?" he asked.

"Well," Alice started, "I'm sure it's not nothing. It was just odd, abrupt, more abrupt than usual."

"What did you see?" Esme asked.

"It was Renesmee," Alice began, and Bella immediately jumped up, Edward right beside her. Edward glanced over his shoulder and down the hallway where his daughter was out of earshot and in her room.

"Was she okay?" Bella questioned. "Was she hurt?"

"I don't know," Alice said truthfully, thinking back. "Someone, a boy, was tackling her. I don't know if he was attacking or pushing her out of the way from something else. I couldn't see his whole face."

"What could you tell?" Edward asked, his hand caressing his mate's arm, who was just as stressed as he was, if not more.

"He seemed younger, maybe between the age of seventeen and nineteen," Alice described. "He had short, dark brown hair. He was slim but still somewhat muscular. He was wearing black and red, and he was fairly pale."

"That's basically every white boy ever," Rosalie scoffed. "Finding him would be like a human trying to find a needle in a haystack."

"We can't just forget about it," Bella hissed, angry, but not at Rosalie. "Whether or not he was hurting or protecting her, this is still important. It could be a detail to something bigger."

"You're right," Carlisle agreed. "We'll go on as normal for now and keep an extra eye out. Alice," the female looked at him, "if you have any other visions related to this one, let us know immediately."

Alice nodded, following Jasper as the blond guided her over to the couch and sat down, pulling his mate into his lap before wrapping his arms around her waist protectively. Alice smiled, shaking her head.

"Emmet," Carlisle said, looking at said man, "would you mind going to inform Jacob and the other wolves of the situation."

"No problem," Emmet said with a chuckle, kissing the crown of Rosalie's head before rushing to do the task Carlisle asked of him.

"We're seriously just gonna sit around?" Bella asked, scrunching her nose in frustration as she pursed her lips.

"Bella, I know you're worried," Esme said in a comforting manner, walking over to the woman and placing her hand on the younger vampire's shoulder. "We all are," she continued, "but we can't do much with the little information we have. The best to do is continue with our normal lives and hope Alice has another vision that will help. We'll all keep a close eye on Renesmee, and I'm sure, as soon as Jacob hears, he won't leave her side."

Bella found herself somewhat relaxed by Esme's words and nodding, giving her a silent thank you. Esme smiled, rubbing Bella's arm before returning to her place beside Carlisle.


Bella shifted and looked over her shoulder to find Renesmee standing a few yards away. Thankfully, it seemed she hadn't heard any of what they were saying.

Renesmee now resembled the appearance of a girl who was at least fifteen despite the fact that she has been birthed a little over a year ago. Carlisle assumed her growth would soon slow drastically, and she would go through more minor changes over the course of the next six years or so.

"I'm gonna go out with Jacob. Is that okay?" Renesmee asked, and Bella gave her daughter a small smile.

"Yeah, honey, that's fine," Bella said. "I'll take you there. We can catch Uncle Emmet on the way."

"Okay," Renesmee grinned. "I'm just gonna grab a jacket."

Bella nodded, watching as her daughter disappeared back down the hallway to retrieve the item.

She was going to find this boy. Whether he was a threat or not, she was going to find him and get the answers everyone deserved, the answers Renesmee deserved.


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