Chapter 1

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I won't be including dream sequences unless they're crucial to the story. I'll only put in snippets of what he has dreamt when they happen in real life.


"Dreams are just dreams, right?"

Deaton looked up at Stiles as the two of them proceeded to move numerous bags of food into the back where the animals were.

Scott had some stuff to do with Derek, so Stiles offered to help Deaton with the non-supernatural tasks that needed to be done around the clinic. However, he mainly agreed so that he could talk to the Druid about things that were far from being about animals.

"I mean, they're not real," Stiles added.

"Well," Deaton said, setting down the bag of dog food that had been in his hands. "You may experience things in your dreams that are familiar to your life, like a setting or the people around you, but dreams typically have no plots and are very..unrealistic."

"But you're not supposed to remember dreams, right?" Stiles asked as he began to fill up the animals' bowls.

"Well, usually you only remember fragments," Deaton explained, crossing his arms. "No matter how hard you try, you usually end up formulating a different ending in your head because you can't remember everything that happened. Why do you ask?"

Stiles stopped what he was doing and set the bag of dog food in his hands on the counter before turning to Deaton, saying, "That picture is going to fall off the wall behind"

Deaton whipped his head around as the picture frame behind him slowly slid, tilting to the side before falling off the wall and hitting the ground.

"I've been having dreams, or what I thought were dreams," Stiles said, causing Deaton to turn back to him, confusion written on his face, "but, when I wake up, I remember what happened, specifically. I can recall every detail, and then, within the course of a few hours, it happens again, only this time it's in real life."

Deaton really didn't know what to say. He assumed at first that the dreams could've just been results of the trauma he received form being possessed, like night terrors, but he knew for a fact that if you dreamt, and then experienced that situation in real life, it wasn't a dream.

"How long has this been happening?" Deaton asked.

Stiles shrugged, saying, "About two weeks, maybe two and a half."

"And how serious are the things you're seeing?" The Druid questioned, leaning on the wall as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Not really serious at all," Stiles began to explained. "I've really only been seeing quick snippets of situations, like the picture falling, and one scene usually isn't longer than ten seconds or so."

"What's the most serious or concerning thing you've seen?" Deaton asked, growing more curious.

Stiles visibly tensed, his eyes growing wide. Deaton could see it in the boys eyes that he was reminiscing, but he couldn't tell if the expression on his face was created from shock or fear.

"It was, uh.." Stiles began, licking his lips and staring at the wall as if that would make the scene he was imagining go away. "It was Lydia."

"Was she hurt?" Deaton found himself asking quickly.

"No," Stiles replied, "but she was screaming. You know the scream she does when someone's about to die? She did that, and she..she was screaming my name."

"Well..." Deaton trailed off, thinking to himself. He really didn't know what this could be. He thought back to all his knowledge of the supernatural world, but he could think of no answer. "I'm not sure exactly what's happening. These dreams, or nightmares, maybe be an effect of the nogitsune incident, but trauma from that definitely wouldn't cause your dreams to become reality. It's simply not possible."

"Well, it's happening," Stiles said, his voice become louder as he threw his hands in the air. He was clearly stressed and aggravated. "There's always an answer. I just don't know what it is."

"I'm afraid I don't either," Deaton sighed. "Tell you what, after I take care of everything around here, I'll do some research, call some people, and try to get somewhere with this."

"Okay..." Stiles said, hesitantly and quietly, not fully convinced that this solution would solve anything.

"For now, keep this between us. Anything you dreams, or shall I say predict, you tell me and only me. I want this kept between us. It could be a minor situation or it could be major. Either way, I don't want to worry anyone else or get Scott and the others involved until we have a definite answer."

"Seems like the best thing to do," Stiles agreed, "but what about what I saw with Lydia?"

"Let's both keep that in mind," Deaton said, walking over to the boy and placing his hands on the latter's shoulders, guiding him to the door slowly. "You go home, and get some rest. Keep me updated, and, as soon as I find out anything of use, I'll let you know," the Druid continued.

Stiles pushed opened the front door, the bell hung above the doorframe ringing as he stepped outside.

"Are you good to take care of things here?" Stiles asked, looking back at Deaton, who gave him a smile.

"Yes, Stiles, I'll be fine," he assured the teen. "Go home."

Stiles hesitated slightly before nodding, his fingers slipping from the edge of the door as he walked off, and, as soon as he disappeared from sight, Deaton pulled out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Yello?" a gruff voice said from the other end of the line.

"Hello, it's Alan," the Druid said, glancing outside as Stiles got into his jeep, started the engine, and pulled out of the parking lot. "I've got a situation."


[A/N] The first few chapters will mostly be filled with background info, several different pov's during the same situation/time period, and characters figuring things out. It may not be very interesting to most readers at first, but these things are important for the development of the story, which means most of them won't be too long. However, if I feel they're too short, I'll post two in one day

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