Chapter 13

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Stiles' eyes faded back to brown shortly after the chaos calmed, and everyone was staring at the boy in shock. The boy's angry expression fell, and his eyes became droopy as he stumbled back before completely falling limp. Deaton couldn't react fact enough to catch him before he hit the ground.
The Druid quickly kneeled down to examine Stiles as the McCall pack rushed to help, them being the only creatures not blocked from the door by any mountain ash.

"What the hell was that?" Lydia asked, crouching down next to Deaton.

"Is he okay?" Scott questioned.

"He was overwhelmed," Deaton explained, checking Stiles' pulse to find it steady. "I think his powers were trigged by a strong wave of emotion, but it was too much too sudden."

"Powers?" Kira questioned, looking at Scott. "He has powers now?"

"I don't know," Scott replied, frustrated.

"All will be explained. Just someone help me get him to the back," Deaton said, and Scott immediately gathered his best friend in his arms and lifted him off the ground.

The emissary turned around to face those who were still outside and blocked by the mountain ash that Stiles had created.

"If any of you wish to have answers or get help, you'll be patient and wait here," Deaton said before looking at Dean. "You may bring him in."

Dean lifted Jack off the ground before using his foot to break the line of mountain ash keeping them, or more like Jack and Cas, away from the building. He then stepped through and entered the clinic leaving Sam, Cas, and the family of vampires behind. Deaton quickly closed the door and finally averted his attention to the biggest problem at hand.

The Druid managed to slip past Dean and pull out another table for the man to lay Jack on, which he positioned next to the table that Scott had placed Stiles on.

"What happened to him?" Deaton asked, pulling out a pair of latex gloves and quickly slipping them onto his hands.

"We don't know exactly," Dean said, pulling up Jack's shirt to reveal the wound, which still hadn't stopped spreading. "He was injected with something when he was out helping Cas."

Deaton didn't waste a second to question who Cas was and instead began to examine Jack's wound. He gently pressed against the swollen surface and observed the black veins spreading across the boy's body.

"I believe he's been injected with a lethal amount of liquid mountain ash," Deaton said, stepping back. "The substance is used as a barrier because it repels the supernatural, but, if it is forcefully touched with supernatural blood, it can become a poison," he turned to Dean, asking, "what is he?"

"Nephilim," Dean responded. "We assumed that's why he's been able to hold on so long."

"I'm sure it is," Deaton agreed, thinking. "An immense amount fire, practically otherworldly, can burn through mountain ash and expel it, but it's spread through almost one hundred percent of his body, and, even for a nephilim, that much fire can cause serious, if not permanent, damage."

"Then what the hell do we?" Dean questioned harshly, stepping forward, and Derek stepped in, blocking the hunter from the emissary as his eyes flashed blue. Normally, Dean would bite back, tell the latter to get out of his way despite the fact that he was a werewolf, but, for some reason, he found himself unable to do nothing but stare at the other man for a decent ten seconds before stepping back.

"I could try and burn small portions and slow the process even more, but I don't have any fire strong enough to expel it completely," Deaton explained.

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